SO right!!!!!

SO right!!!!!


13 лет назад

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@NoticTheSheriff - 07.08.2011 05:56

Good for you, I'm glad you've found some inspiration. I still can't get over the accent though.

@affenonkel - 07.08.2011 13:24

You are awesome. :) I watched Emily's video the other day and she said everything that needed to be said. I'm more of a watcher, maybe I'll become a maker one day but for now, I feel too weird making videos in English.

@affenonkel - 07.08.2011 13:25

Anyways, I've always enjoyed your videos so I'm glad that you'll keep doing them. I just finished my first semester at uni, it's quite different here in Germany so I think my whirlwind of emotion hasn't been as big as yours. I moved to another city and I'm living on my own now so in that sense our experiences are similar :)

@frombritainwithL0VE - 08.08.2011 05:37

@seedoubleewe thanks, uni is amazing but takes some getting used to and it is definitely difficult to go somewhere where you know no one and you are just thrust into situations regardless of if you are ready for them. But the freedom you gain is amazing and my advice is to just sign up for as much as and do as much as you can in the first few weeks so that you meet as many people as possible and who knows you could meet your best friend in that first week you will certainly meet great friends
