Foxeer Predator Micro v4 FPV Camera Review

Foxeer Predator Micro v4 FPV Camera Review

Albert Kim

5 лет назад

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@archer4922 - 20.05.2019 05:31

Looks a lot better than the v2 that I have. May have to switch soon.

@thomashaley3830 - 20.05.2019 06:16

Just moved to the caddx ratel from my predators. Albeit i never went past the v1. I liked the camera but when i go to it from the ratel i hate it lol.

@jlarson42 - 20.05.2019 06:43

Thanks Albert :-)

@frankbarajas - 20.05.2019 06:52

Good review and clearly great advice. I still find that digital shimmer too distracting for my tastes, but otherwise a fine product. Thank you. BTW, it's too bad we can just update the firmware on the V3s. I know it would raise the initial cost, but it would be nice.

@KryptoSteel - 20.05.2019 07:00

The pixel shimmer is SO bad

@pacificnorthwestpilots6050 - 20.05.2019 07:37

There is a lot of shimmer with the predator series, but that seems to bring out the shadows way more than most cams. Being able to see shadows while racing helps tremendously. Thanks for the review, Mr. Kim!

@MCsCreations - 20.05.2019 08:30

Great and honest review, Albert! 😊
But I'd rather use the V3 or any other camera, really... The blueish color of the image is horrible, makes me feel cold! 😕

@yodayedi2325 - 20.05.2019 08:37

Honest review, thanks.

@fpvclub7256 - 20.05.2019 09:11

Looks pretty good. Thanks for the video!

@minikuiotoko - 20.05.2019 09:35

Runcam and Foxeer have to invest a bit more into their RnD to keep up with the Caddx, instead of just renaming their latest firmware iteration to Vxx so they can sell it as a new product. Wish they figured out how to get rid of the scraggle noise, my SDR2 plus has very little of it and it's only 20€ with the shipping.

@2strokeme64 - 20.05.2019 13:50

The ability to solder directly to the cam is great if you're looking to get your build waterproof. You can't put conformal coating on plugs.

@dronereviewman9580 - 20.05.2019 17:37

Wow did not look as good as i thought it would!!!!!!! But as always your flying was Great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@denihei - 20.05.2019 17:50

Me, personally will say no to this camera,, sorry :(

@noamamir0942 - 29.05.2019 20:22

is the camera sensor 4:3?

@afdzalazlan - 03.06.2019 21:50

nice fpv setup, what is your setup? hardly see any noise on your dvr. awesome..

@Quadtastrophe - 03.08.2019 18:45

Cam control is possible?

@elabu6441 - 30.11.2019 14:38

Hi, I need help, I bought eachine vrd2pro glasses for my Hubsan Zino, I have been told that the Zino is digital and the analog glasses, so they do not link, I thought to put on top of the Zino what I have seen on Aliexpres, (Foxeer Razer 1.8mm Micro M8 1200TVL FPV camera with Atlatl HV V2 5.8G 40CH VTX for RC FPV Racing Drone models), if not you could tell me that I can put on top of the Zino, I just want to see the landscape, the recordings would with Zino, thanks, greetings

@cashmoneypwns - 04.04.2021 02:52

We’re you using the same vtx in both reviews?
