Wow this isnt even FS at this point. I think you need to invest in glasses. This is choreo and they are in formation. JK is centre and he will have Jimin to one side and another member to the other side behind him. The other members all fall into formation behind him. Have you ever actually watched any of their songs, dance practices, live performances or do you just react to shipping videos and troll the internet for rumours that you can use your platform to spread without even researching. Dont be surprised if HYBE come knocking soon. Your causing a big stink within Army at the mo. And if you thought you have been public enemy #1 in the past then thats nothing on what your name holds within the fandom now. You are the lowest form of scum the way you use BTS for your income. DESPICABLE DAVE
ОтветитьThat's write up Jimin street because he's trying so hard to get Taekook a part because Hybe is all for it you all seen bang pd touch Jimin ass in front of everyone and Jimin is his favourite after all
ОтветитьWhere are you getting all this rubbish and why are you talking such rubbish?
ОтветитьYou really need to stop putting out bad news. Just stop the propaganda!!!
ОтветитьMost male artists do that during their concerts just to get the female fans crazy.
ОтветитьBTS neber private and hybe confirm this so stop lie dave any all ms pic is edit only
ОтветитьPlease stop posting this kind of content
ОтветитьYou are Vile
ОтветитьAh jimin fans jikookers They're still trying to save a ship that doesn't exist. It won't help.
ОтветитьTrash talk 😡
ОтветитьЧонгук моя слабость, пусть будет здоров и счастлив.
ОтветитьOh, btw, what about JK humping someone?
ОтветитьPeople need to stop watching this dude alr hes always talking nonsense
ОтветитьJungkook is not gay…I will let you in on the news that I have heard. Jungkook is getting a marriage certificate for him and his girlfriend today. He said he would be the first one to get married. He is doing it…but sorry Dave it is not to a guy…guess that will end your daydream.
Ответитьjikookers always talking nonsense, people with low IQ.
ОтветитьDave, thank you for the update. You have every right to voice your opinion(s).
Too much "NEGATIVITY" within the BTS community. Especially noticeable, since the members have enlisted and "new" reactions have been posted online.💜👍
If we don't like a TV show/Movie, we change the channel.
If we don't like a radio station/song, we change the channel.
If you don't agree with a person's opinion/comment, you don't have to "open" their post! Hmmmmm............🙏😍💜
Jimin in his song WHO is looking for his future Mrs Park & Jungkook as we already know is only interested in women, 2019 back hugging his female tattoo artist is a big hint he's into women, all those pairing with his BTS hyungs are just their agency's strategies for their income, once Jimin asked Jungkook what's their next scene & Jungkook reply back hugging, that is why we always see the same robotic interactions of Jungkook & his hyungs.
ОтветитьThis photo are everywhere, it’s not Dave only talking about
ОтветитьDave stop your making us more mad 😡
ОтветитьRude pics..or N☠️de pics...who send 🫨🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊 ..My p👀r bear..🤧
ОтветитьDave gay i pity you. You are dumb n insane
ОтветитьOk Dave please stop doing this it's not going to be ok for you in the long run like this is not true because if it was hybe and the military would have said something about it you need to be stopped and fast
ОтветитьDave now stop use BTS member for get wiew for your video stoooooooooop
ОтветитьHe had has a great job in military.nothing happened to him.only pple wont stop to bully him.
ОтветитьPlease, Stop your Negativity and Baseless comments. Have a nice & Positive day!
ОтветитьYes...showing how smart he is but definitely an insane person. Stop subscribing to this insane
ОтветитьWhy are they putting out these pictures? Our beloved JK does not need this kind of publicity! They should be ashamed of themselves!!!
ОтветитьДэйв! А почему последнее время вы нам навязываете или намекаете о каких то "отношениях" Чимина и Чонгука? Так говорите прямо или сплетни пускать лучше?! Всё ходите вокруг да около. Говорите как есть!
ОтветитьBro shut up
ОтветитьThese are men in the late 20s and early 30s. Why call them boys?
ОтветитьBecause they have nothing better to do with there life so they are making thing up as usual and it make me sick the boys are trying to do there military duty but all they are getting is this stuff how pathetic I will be happy when they out after serving there country and I will always stand by bts if people can’t say nothing nice then don’t say nothing at all 💜💜💜💜💜💜
ОтветитьThink the ones humping is foxes in me garden
ОтветитьAll these stories are lies. He just posts things for attention. I am surprised he has not been sued.
ОтветитьMy god peoples shut up so much garbage what is going on u can’t get kick out of the service unless go awol my god u people love to keep to keep mess I feel sorry for those two men just won’t stay out of there life for nothing
ОтветитьOkay this is the first time I'm going to say this to you babe I think you're an awful person all you do is spread hate and rumors and it needs to stop you never reported about anything positive ever it would be so nice to hear something positive come out of your mouth thank you
ОтветитьDave, we know by now that you are the biggest shipper of JK and Jimin 😂
ОтветитьThank you for doing what you do Stop saying he's bad At what he does And that he should stop It's not like You don't do this to yourselves You're the 1 watching it bitches
Ответитьdude this is actually disgusting behavior. not just that but you're grown and trying to leech off celebrities for recognition? how embarassing...
ОтветитьHow do you sleep at night with all the lies you tell. No one respects you?
ОтветитьSo Jang was sued keep it up and you'll be next
ОтветитьLoyal true ARMY do not believe any of this. でも私たちはカルマを信じてるよベイビー丑の刻参り🎎🪆
ОтветитьBunch of rubbish .Dave or whatever you called yourself stop saying crap about our BTS please because I'm an Army and I will not stand and watch you blutter weird things about my beloved jungkook and BTS okay.❌stop this❌
ОтветитьChat gpt recommended me this video when I asked her about jk
ОтветитьI totally agree with what you say and these guys should be shown respect and privacy.