Japan’s Adult Actress to Islam – Internet Trolls Her

Japan’s Adult Actress to Islam – Internet Trolls Her

Smile 2 Jannah

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@zekiseid8965 - 18.03.2025 03:05

i want to simply understand why after 6 months of her being a muslim, all of a sudden internet picked it up now? doesnt this clearly show that its targeted toward her? why after 6 months some people are using her being a muslim to farm engagements?

@Owaiskazi78 - 18.03.2025 03:13

How can people not know this well known fact that all the sins will be forgiven when a person comes to Islam

@Owaiskazi78 - 18.03.2025 03:14

I really hate Haram police they think they’re the authority who’ll decide who be accepted and who’ll not

@Poekomo.shu018 - 18.03.2025 03:19

stop calling her corn actress

@Shez-dc3fn - 18.03.2025 03:27

to say adam (prophet) sinned - is an erroor.. no PROPHET can sin..

@ohochan739 - 18.03.2025 03:28

I watch her tiktok comment before. There are a lot people who troll her in the comments and some support her in the beginning after she keep posting about her changes now a lot people support her. Keep istiqamah on what your are doing there are always negativity and hater in our live but who they are to judge our choice if the choice bring us to the right path.

@sawsanalh2802 - 18.03.2025 03:47

I generally agree with you, but i'd like to add:
As a sister who was very cautious about Andrew Tate, i think the relevant difference between her and tate isn't her gender, it's the willingness to commit violence on the weak and his abhorrent views towards women which he promoted and which he never denounced publicly as far as I know. I think many sisters were concerned, concerned he would mistreat a naive sister or his muslim fans would emulate his views and behavior towards sisters.
I don't know if he's still muslim/ever was muslim and that's between him and Allah swt, but sisters were right to be cautious of him, and while ofc accepting converts to Islam is the right choice, I think the brothers should have pushed him more to delete the videos on his channel that he is in control of where he objectifies women and gives toxic advise that is harmful to gender relations, considering his fame.
The hijab clearly shows that she has publicly distanced herself from her pre-conversion adventures, while Tate gave the impression that he never did so.
Either way, may Allah swt guide us, show us all mercy and give the victims justice and reward the good deeds.

Also, one of the disgusting parts of the porn industry: it not only creates trauma by the abhorrent behaviour towards the actors, it is also a trap for traumatized people, taking advantage of victims of sexual abuse that now display overly sexual behavior or even using trafficked girls, some of them underage. And the pictures/videos just never leave the internet, even if the girl was underage its a battle to get pornsites to take it down and even then they are saved and reuploaded by the disgusting creeps who enjoy them. Legalizing this industry that dehumanizes and exploits people, legalizing such contracts, all that should have never happened.

@mozydiaz8296 - 18.03.2025 04:22

Yes Allah is the only judge of everyone but I also understand those who have difficulty understanding this situation, for example her movies are forever on the internet so there will always be a person who will sin by watching them, of course she is not the only one at fault in the story, all the other actors and production teams as well as those who posted these movies are sinners and the first to be in the wrong is the person who visits these sites but the fact is that the harm is done and it still continues even after she has repented!

All this is too complicated for me, the best thing is to do your best to avoid making mistakes in your life and I prefer to leave that to the only one who is able to judge each of us accurately.

@Alphaguide222 - 18.03.2025 04:38

Her past maybe dark but insha'Allah her future shall be bright

@WahyuUdin-dc4ld - 18.03.2025 04:40

Are they never hear story of the slut and dog, who are they that be judge of she sins

@muslimincel - 18.03.2025 05:07

umar ibn al khattab said we judge by what is apparent, and we judge discriminately. thank yo @smiletojannah for showing me this pornstar. i shall now do my research into her bedroom skills. before you made this video, i had no idea this woman existed. so maybe, it is you who is the real troll.

@DeDhen-w9r - 18.03.2025 05:31

whats her name? i dont even know her

@mohammadabrar3236 - 18.03.2025 05:57

We do not get to decide on who gets forgiven or who doesn't , only Allah does.

@Darkyssb - 18.03.2025 06:07

This is a journey of purification anyone who goes to the river to clean himself/herself will see all the dirt vanishing away with the water.

@waifuzzy1266 - 18.03.2025 06:36

andrew tate just for marketing purpose

@mohannedabdulaziz1862 - 18.03.2025 06:37

I heard of a adult actress who converted to chirstianity but she kept getting ostracized and I think she ended up leaving. Let this not happen to her as well in our religion Islam. She probably already has a lot of regret. If people add more to it she may loose hope and how would that help you?.

@zobaerahmed2427 - 18.03.2025 06:45

I as a born Muslim is a greater sinner than she is.
Her slate is clean just like a newborn.

And all the people who are judging her,should instead focus on themselves.

In the day of the judgement even Prophets will cry for themselves(except our Beloved Rasullallah SAW)

@l-_._-l - 18.03.2025 06:45

Everyone pray for her may Allah make her consistent.
And make our way to jannah easy.
And she gave me courage to quit 🌽 if she can quit it I can too
In sha Allah.

@MeriniMohamedAmine - 18.03.2025 06:57

Now, this queen of lust has more chance to get to jenna way more than i do .
And me having the hardest time of my life fighting LUST for two years while beings single my hole life for 30 years .
Please allah help me 🙏 .

@keemarotichai - 18.03.2025 07:00

pls stop calling her a corn actress and enforcing validating negative naysayers. disgusting, why cant u say " she had a bad past"

@mimiqaqa - 18.03.2025 07:10

It saddens me to see there are illiterate Muslims who condemn people on accepting Islam..

@makeislameasy4206 - 18.03.2025 07:32

May Allah bless her.

@Ritika-p4l - 18.03.2025 07:42


@calive6112 - 18.03.2025 07:45

In the past a prostitute was forgiven for a simple deed she did and that was she used to feed animals. So how can we judge her. She is not doing those things again and that is what matters. People who are trolling her are just jealous of Islam

@edonispervetica3634 - 18.03.2025 07:48

Masha‘Allah i saw her today the first time :) may Allah forgive all her past sins and the sins she will do in the future 🤲 Allahuma Amin😊

@raykay72 - 18.03.2025 08:03

No one has any space, or place, to criticize anyone who reverts to Islam. Unless of course, they continue to do something bad, or if they try to change Islam from what it actually is, and start saying things that clearly go against what most alims know to be correct. Or again, they start acting like some kind of authority on Islam etc. You can only see what a person says or does. Her journey is her own, it's a sad one in many ways, but at least there's hope for change for anyone.

In our heart of hearts, many Muslims don't care about the most poor, or the ones who lead lives full of bad actions. Instead, they like to look down upon them. This is the same disease as Arabs looking down on non-Arab Muslims, or westerners with their heritage of racism looking down upon anything that isn't white, or Indians looking down upon their own for not being light skinned enough when they're all different shades of brown! These are diseases of the heart meant to be purged from your hearts by battling the negatives within yourself, i.e. jihad.

This is also why there's dangers with putting too much attention on people who revert, the brother in the video mentioned some of them. Eastern people often get way too impressed because someone liked or showed appreciation for their faith. I truly understand why that is so. It feels like vindication in a world which constantly criticizes and disrespects your faith, to hear someone say something positive about it, or, if they take a bigger step and take on your faith. But the evidence for the beauty of Islam doesn't come from humanity, or people reverting to it. If you TRULY CHERISH your faith, if you TRULY UNDERSTAND it, then it doesn't matter what the world thinks of it.

This is part of what a lot of Muslims have lost. In a world where everything is judged according to material wealth, including by Muslims themselves, and everything good is considered to be from the rich and shiny looking west, anything that isn't that, isn't valued to the same degree. Also, with Muslims running after this world and material gain, they always look to the Western world for approval. This is the sad state of many Muslims today. We see it online all the time. This isn't done by rich Muslims alone, this is also a habit of poorer Muslims.

If any practicing Muslim is bothered by the fact that someone who has done many bad things is suddenly supposed to be forgiven for everything and begin anew, in comparison to someone who has been practicing their whole lives, then that possibly means that you're doing things in competition with others, and not for the love of your Maker! You shouldn't be doing things in comparison to others. Do the things YOU DO because YOU BELIEVE IN THEM! Would you stop being Muslim if everyone else stops being a Muslim? Who do you practice your faith for?

If you've had the chance of doing good your entire life, BE GRATEFUL for that chance. The moment you compare yourselves, is the moment you lose. Your relationship with your God is yours and yours alone! There is no priesthood or anything, or anyone between you and your Maker in Islam! Your relationship is completely personal. Cherish it and don't pollute it with negative comparisons or negative competitiveness. Don't fall into these traps or all of your good deeds will be wasted.

@KhalixPlays07 - 18.03.2025 08:28

Im just waiting for her to Change his name in Arabic

@MeemNun_ALiF_Revived_LykNvrB4 - 18.03.2025 08:44

sending love & light

@d9ufi - 18.03.2025 08:48

Islam removes what came before it

@d9ufi - 18.03.2025 08:52

Brother you can't put her photo without hegab know

@residentevilvillage1842 - 18.03.2025 09:04

Who says you cant be forgiven? Whose the hell any one can be the judge. First people have to look at their sins whether you are in danger or not. First look at your self before judging any one. Now this Japanese woman I dont know her name is my sister. I proudly accepted her my sister. I proudly say she is my sister. Please tell me her full name. So I can write in comment her name with sister tag. MashaAllah She is now pure and clean. Every sin had removed already. She is most beautiful and perfect women then before MashaAllah.

@AkMS0505 - 18.03.2025 09:17

Jazak'llah sister ☝️

@Pawstive-tales - 18.03.2025 09:22

Allah who change the hearts, may Allah help and guide her in her journey

@hi_t3096 - 18.03.2025 09:39

now guys who want marry her😂

@Blue-Beetle-69 - 18.03.2025 09:45

Ask her to leave all the Haram money she earned and also delete all videos of her from internet.

@dewisartika9124 - 18.03.2025 09:52

The further you distance yourself from Allah, the greater the effort needed to return to Him. and Allah is the Most Rich, the Most Compassionate; He will reward every effort you make.

@future2478 - 18.03.2025 09:54

She shouldn't upload content on every platform. Thinking she is cool

@reality6040 - 18.03.2025 10:02


@nickname5268 - 18.03.2025 10:02

the Thumbnail of this video is misleading, in islam no matter what is your sins, if you become a muslim you will be like a newborn baby without any sins, only sins you commit after you become muslim will count

@ryufarishakim4404 - 18.03.2025 10:10

I'm Actually suprised of how fast her progress it lot of reverted didn't wear hijab for the month I'm actually impressed she's tough really tough

@MirzaShahidmughal1 - 18.03.2025 10:24

Ma Sha Allah ❤

@cheriffares7148 - 18.03.2025 10:30

قال تعالى: إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يَغْفِرُ أَنْ يُشْرَكَ بِهِ وَيَغْفِرُ مَا دُونَ ذَلِكَ لِمَنْ يَشَاءُ {النساء:48}

@SeyyidPalta - 18.03.2025 10:32

Who are we to judge her? Are we angels and have never committed any sins? Before we judge her, we should judge ourselves. As many people already pointed it out here, she is like a newborn and as she reverted to Islam, she has no sins from her past.

@ahmedaden3419 - 18.03.2025 10:32

For those who judge her past, let me tell you this. All her previous sins are deleted and she’s more pure than you. She has higher ranking than you in Islam. Judge her if you like but she’s more dear to Allah than you losers

@PabloChacon213 - 18.03.2025 10:33

Shes clean now insyaallah

@mrcrazyenough007 - 18.03.2025 10:38

It is now even a bigger sin to try searching for her videos over the internet. She is now clean, therefore, save your Emaan by letting he past go and not peeking into her videos anymore. Internet is indeed a ruthless place to hide your past, but it's up to to avoid doing it by yourself.

@FoxDie85 - 18.03.2025 10:40

A lot of Muslims are idiots. She is a Muslim whether you like it or not. May Allah forgive us for our idiocy.

@salimyasini3100 - 18.03.2025 10:52

Becoming a New Muslim Alhamdulillah is a Blessing, Her Past Sins are erased. But remember, Reversion to islam is like being a former drug or alcohol addict. Mistakes are forgiven But the Effects of a Past Life can be short or Long term damaging which is a personal battle she'll face alone. And I Sincerely Want Both Reverts and Born Muslims to understand that critical point, Repairing your Psychological Or Physical Damage from such Past lives is A BIG uphill Battle, i'm not sugarcoating it. May Allah make it easy for reverts like Asakura. We Need to teach people more the difference between The Sin and The Consequences of a Past Sin
