Las Vegas Vlog 2024 | Day 1 | New York New York | Big Wins!

Las Vegas Vlog 2024 | Day 1 | New York New York | Big Wins!


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@VegasOurWay - 22.11.2024 03:53

I felt that drunky hundry almost handpay🤬

@liamshelstravelvideos9127 - 22.11.2024 03:53

Great to see your watching the mighty Man United. A bit expensive at Blondies but at least you got those good bonuses.

@LifeofSmith1980 - 22.11.2024 04:01

When I hear the Zella Day playing a big smile comes to my face. I love it!

@wallstreettovegas - 22.11.2024 04:03

Amazing to see such creativity executed in your vlogs! Love the wins hope they continue!

@Coco-up7bl - 22.11.2024 04:12

YAYYYY🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Just got off work and found this ❤❤. Watching now 😘

@richardstander7755 - 22.11.2024 04:32

Oh my! You guys rock Vegas and yes I loved the shirt also! Gotta have one as I do smoked meat and yes I rub my butt and pull my pork! Most people say I do it best! 🤭🤪 Best Regards Kev! Rick

@JoshRachael - 22.11.2024 04:38

Buffalo was Nice

Blondes Not Nice

Vlog was Nice

@theo847sqn - 22.11.2024 05:50

In work an watching
Such a nice surprise

@Nev_York - 22.11.2024 12:40

Need to get 'Sugary Rim.....just how I like it' on a t-shirt. 😂 Great vid as always Kev.

@susans2991 - 22.11.2024 17:12

The soho rooms don’t have a fridge. The soho Premier rooms do. You can tell the difference by the floor. Soho is all carpet and premier rooms have wood floors except for around the bed. That person at check in was just being a jerk.

@luvjets - 22.11.2024 18:22

Hi Bri'ish Kevin - welcome back, so sad our schedules didn't align while you were in Vegas 😩 You had a couple nice bonuses on Luxury Line and Huff the first night - at least you kept some of the winnings. Wow, Blondies really nailed you for drinks and snacks - crazy! Excellent Buffalo bonus. Congrats to Jasper for winning the challenge. Drunky Hundy 🤬 Cheers & hugs!!!😎❤🎰🍻

@Coco-up7bl - 22.11.2024 18:52

The t shirt....f'en hilarious 😂 ❤❤❤

@suzanneandclair - 22.11.2024 20:58

Nice vlog lol! That was hilarious and entertaining all at the same time, Lovely to see you two again back in action. Just waiting to find out what time you woke up!!! Take care xx

@HodgeysAdventures - 22.11.2024 23:39

The legend is back, have a great trip, can't wait to see all the shenanigans 😂😂

@clairecollins4794 - 22.11.2024 23:55

Great to see you back, can't wait for the rest of the vlogs 🎰💵🎰💵💵

@susanwilson434 - 23.11.2024 00:05

Ah! My guilty pleasure is back in Vegas! Go hard and be in bed at 9! Nice!

@huntingvegas - 23.11.2024 01:46

Buffalo 🦬 🦬🦬
What a great winning day 1.
Love love love the Huff n Puff Intro, and the tshirt make me laugh out loud

@matthewgarrett8294 - 23.11.2024 02:38

Great to see you back Kev great start to the series

@Badstu - 23.11.2024 11:04

Wow awesome bonuses!! You even stuck it up the arse of buffalo!! Loved the vlog ,vintage matrix can’t wait for the next one

@richardchew8238 - 23.11.2024 14:45

Brilliant start to the series and love the shirt

@thehellion9992 - 23.11.2024 15:05

Kevin if you were Kim you would have been straight down to Target to buy a Fridge. The grin on my face when Wolfy appeared behind Paris, wish I had 10% of your creative thoughts. Can't wait for the rest.

@neilmckie2768 - 23.11.2024 16:18

Nice 'Buffano', lol. Great to see you back, mate.

@lisaj5835 - 23.11.2024 18:46

Brilliant as always!

@sharonstirling350 - 23.11.2024 18:51

Brill start to this series, looking forward to the next ones 😊

@jimwoltman1040 - 23.11.2024 20:16

I ❤ this cheeky bugger!!!

@stephchesney-bryce9205 - 23.11.2024 20:54

Brilliant great win on buffalo🐃 blondies wow😮 thanks for sharing😊😊 love the banter 😊

@davidmurphy1318 - 23.11.2024 21:05

Kevin the tier credits are not same I too was confused at the points I was getting 1000pts for 500 coin in, I talked with rewards and they said we don't get the 4 tier credits per dollar in slots it's down to time playing,type of slot,denomination that gets u the points now but like u said that's not be all end all for comps proof was u showing u on pearl and getting great comps

@thevegasdawgs - 23.11.2024 21:43

Awesome return to Vegas guys! You guys can pile in the drinks and I'm all for that entertainment. Blondies WAS definitely a rookie mistake, any time I'm in a new bar and they don't say my first question is "any specials today, or right now?" Just so I don't end up spending $12 on a similar beer I can get for way less. It might be a cheapskate move but why spend more for something comparable? Also that t-shirt was awesome and I'd bet people would buy it if you sold it 😎. Looking forward to all the meet ups and seeing how yours and many others vlogs all intertwine. 😀👊

@teresekelly2561 - 23.11.2024 23:52

It was so good to meet you two at the center bar at New York NY. Great bonuses - I’m excited to watch this series of vlogs! Take care!

@SamanthaPhelps2 - 24.11.2024 01:28

Enjoyed this 😍. Wow 🤩 excellent buffalo win too. 🤩

@shelovestheslots - 24.11.2024 03:18

Those pigs are way nicer to you than me 😂 great vlog, Kev!

@TipsyTofuTravels - 24.11.2024 20:46

Coming back from my Vegas vlog hiatus with an absolute bang. I just love your editing style and so happy to have you back! What a day you guys had 😂 get those electrolytes down ya and see you on vlog 2 😂

@TAGTravels - 24.11.2024 22:44

Brilliant 😁 looking forward to watching the rest

@stickyfingersinvegas - 25.11.2024 00:43

What a great start! Love love love the Huff 'n Puff intro! Sorry you got ripped off with the fridge. That win on Buffalo was spectacular!! Jasper getting his steak and eggs was so sweet! That's how I feel about In 'n Out. Great stuff! Can't wait to see the rest.

@tri-ls7744 - 25.11.2024 13:18

You tease at the end you. Looks like you've both had a fun 1st day, look forward to seeing the rest. Thanks.

Yeah, Blondies sure do try and make their money back outside happy hours. We got a jug and still feel the sting.

@GrumpyDad - 25.11.2024 16:28

"Huff & Puff".... Fella, you make me laugh hard. Loving the vlog work and effort! 😂

@StraightOuttaVegas - 27.11.2024 11:21

🔥🔥🔥 intro bro!!!

@Joseishere344 - 28.11.2024 08:23

I am going today yay

@VO91717 - 28.11.2024 20:53

Wow! Some great wins especially the Buffalo bonus was spectacular on a $1.50 bet 🍀 Thanks for taking us along for the ride.

@TheLasVegasCouple - 30.11.2024 23:20

Buffaloooooooo!!! 😍😍😍
Where do I sign up for editing lessons please? 👀👏🏻❤️

@The_Getaway_Channel - 01.12.2024 01:30

Poor Griselle was bombarded for sure 🤣. Princess always gets what he wants!! That buffalo win was amazing, so fun to watch, and that Huff n Puff intro 😂. Great video, as always, and we’re looking forward to watching the rest of the series - Gillian & Jon 🥂

@JohnRodger - 03.12.2024 14:47

Wait...hold on a second...did I see something, I did, didn't I? Has BuffaNO become BuffaGO? 🦬 Not only was a Red Train hit (never seen that) you also go a ridiculous bonus on Revolution!! 🤑 The 'Britney' was clearly worth the absolutely scandalous bill in Blondies! Great trip so far, still can't believe they actually raided the fridge.

@manjitsingh-gt2pi - 12.12.2024 18:21

Great 1st bonus

@KatySpence - 14.12.2024 01:38

New subscriber here would love if you can share some info on the comp match as I am looking at coming over with my m.G.M.Rewards , next year and i'm dying to stay at FB!!

@lowrollerscraps2477 - 16.12.2024 23:37

The best opening travel transitions ever!

@CanadianSlotCouple - 18.12.2024 11:48

That Buffalo win at the beginning!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼. We live on electrolyte pouches on our trips, otherwise each day would be a mess. Looking forward to your FB vlogs. Fun start to the trip, thanks for sharing ✌🏼🍀

@imzeus3865 - 20.12.2024 19:20

I just came across your channel and can say that I am glad that I did. You guys are funny as hell! Great start to your trip with excellent wins. I look forward to getting caught up. 👍

@Born2Vegas - 21.01.2025 20:02

So great to see you and Jasper back in Vegas, you two are HILARIOUS together! Great comps and FP at NYNY! The smile I smiled when you got the Brittney, you hadddd to! The beer price was insane though lol!!! Huff n Puff intro is great, shirt is epic lol! The 9pm bedtime was 💀💀💀 As always your editing is fantastic and your music choices are👌 Loved the vlog, it was.. nice!

@Lauramcc80 - 18.02.2025 19:03

Have our 1st trip to vegas in 42 days staying in nyny
