Finishing the Suicide Door Project You Never Knew About

Finishing the Suicide Door Project You Never Knew About

Garage Fab

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@tommy_317 - 08.10.2024 01:57

Great ideas in this video!

@paulnewton943 - 08.10.2024 02:28

U tube just decided to let me know you have returned. Nice to see you again. Shame about the previous footage I would have liked to see that, I am in need of lessons as I want to make some of that style of hinge. Nice job job as usual.

@laurensmith1828 - 08.10.2024 04:12

That took some grandes to do the suicide on that car . I thought i was crazy doing my 41 chevy coupe. Lol . Its too bad the footage was lost . That would of been interesting. I did like you and tried to find some on the web but ended up using the stock GM ones . Left on the right and right on the left . It took about 3 times longer than i imagined but it came out nice. Thanks for the video. Keep em coming!

@williamherring5441 - 08.10.2024 05:20

MK; Thank you very much! v/r wh

@HiDezert66 - 08.10.2024 21:25


@boostedbuiltgarage - 08.10.2024 23:52

You're the first person I've seen who holds a pencil like I do haha unconventional to most that's for sure 😂

@KBzKustomsINC - 09.10.2024 04:23

The sound effects were on point 🥹

@codingchewie - 09.10.2024 05:33

What head dis you use for prepping the metal? I usually use like 300 grit but that looks better

@haroldflint4486 - 09.10.2024 05:57

Welcome back brother

@josephspellman2698 - 09.10.2024 06:26

I like the execution and appreciate the nostalgia! The doors on my LS430 are like glass thru and thru. You can see the execution with most LSs, but the panel either from fab or from body work makes it a hard pass for me. I learned this the hard way when using an impact on securing Toyota door handles from the inside of Toyota doors. The supports suck the metal in, creating a wave that then translates to the paint or sheet metal, not sure which in this case. Would be really nice if the execution was flawless, even older Continentals are well executed, tho the door latch mechanism is different.

This is nice! I am jealous of the one-off nature.

@DiegoLopez-hg2uc - 09.10.2024 09:10

Man killing it brother, love to see youre vids always some dope content you post. Cant wait to see all the future projects coming out the shop!

@Sanjay_JT - 09.10.2024 11:53


@flyonbyya - 09.10.2024 12:24

Geez O Peets!
Can you do that to my LS460 L, AFTER I pay someone to:
-change the control arms
-change the high pressure fuel pump
-and address all the other failings the 430 doesn’t have

@bradpage8967 - 10.10.2024 06:42

Beautiful work as always!

@jahmarley420 - 10.10.2024 20:24

Great video and work! Love it!

@somlysom6315 - 11.10.2024 03:58

You can used some type of revit stud screw set to secure it to the door panel

@FOG-321 - 11.10.2024 13:12

One step forward an 2 back seems to be my life story.Does that count? Hmmm...maybe I should turn around,then I would be goin the right direction? : )

@branchandfoundry560 - 11.10.2024 15:22

Maybe paint matte black with Viper or similar 2k epoxy paint and make UHMW strike/slide sacrificial wear plates?
Edit: I prefer this type of paint to powder coating because it's easy to touch up, whereas PC has to be rebaked.

@smashed_toe_survivor - 11.10.2024 22:45

Wow! you're the camera guy in the those Justin Merrill videos! On a more serious note. As a former door and liftgate engineer for a once great car company, hanging a door on a car is one of the most immense challenges any auto engineer can face.

@cn1364-w6c - 13.10.2024 05:01

Here from TFS! Look forward to what you're building

@Shoultes - 13.10.2024 21:56

Glad to see new content.

@DumbCarGuy - 16.10.2024 23:36

One hell of a cut and buff. Musta took a week. ❤

@GhostFox_13 - 18.10.2024 03:41

This is great work, man. Do you have a Discord group or an email that I can reach out to you on for related questions? I'm trying to do similar work and would greatly appreciate any guidance on how to start off on my own.

@LamarLenhardt - 18.10.2024 05:48

I’m here with you 💪🏽

@swipedahogg - 19.10.2024 07:01

Nice. Car 🔥🔥 your fab work 10🔥🔥

@kevinwilliams8951 - 20.10.2024 02:28

Great job i wish i had the same to alter something

@evt641 - 22.10.2024 15:52

You heading to SEMA this year?

@rocksouthtown2403 - 24.10.2024 07:39

Holy Shit, Man Kandie!

@vampyrspawn696 - 25.10.2024 20:30

Amazing Fabrication Build, I had 2 Subscribe 🫡 & that Music iz Smooth I need Title Please, Again Amazing Work Thnxxx 😎

@81recinos - 25.10.2024 23:29

Man, that's dope. I used to have one. i still love that car

@RA-uj3nm - 25.10.2024 23:36

.......and that is why they pay you the big bucks...... awesome work. 👍👍🍺🍺

@amgtrnd2245 - 27.10.2024 08:46

A 3D printer would have been your best friend for this

@SAINT9064 - 28.10.2024 00:45

Is it legal? Do DMV doesn't regulate this doors? Would love to get done on my car but always doubted about rules.

@thomasriverson3536 - 28.10.2024 07:34

What was the first soundtrack you played? Sounded like just a guitar? Maybe Ottmar?

@kenS87 - 28.10.2024 12:03

I was following that build online and thought Aristole did the conversion himself. Well done execution and completing the finishing touches.

@bsrcat1 - 28.10.2024 17:04

That's a pretty big first time Fab project. Just a word of advice for someone else attempting this, "he had the basic design down. He used the proper materials for the hinge given the weight to account for the weight of the door."
With that said, the design flaw and improvement needed to be made wasn't in the striker plate, but in the actual hinge and door support. Any kind of for everything except for the increased torsion value for the hinge and I know that there was only one shot showing it and it might be different in the final, but it appears that he used a horizontal support for the door, basically creating a unsupported lever. these design flaws can be addressed in two ways, one the hinge could have a top and bottom support rail basically making a large sea channel. You can also accomplish the same thing and increasing the strength exponentially if you create a second plate no different than what he doubled up on for his original design for the hinge, and boxing the whole thing in. Second is in the supporting door frame side of the hinge itself. Thick basic swing gate door. There is no diagonal bracing. Even though you come out with the support at a given point, does not mean that that is where the load has carried. This can be accomplished by raising the point of deflection. This needs to be done with a vertical plate running as high as you can to the door sill. At the bottom of the hinge point a horizontal plate as deep as you can go inside the door cavity. Then from outside point to the sill, create a diagonal running from the bottom to the top plate. Future to terminate your triangle for the top no less than 1 inch. You can further reinforce this by stacking a series of opposing 45 degree diagonal between the two plates.
Now that you have higher fixed point to attach your bracing. Remember, your door has sheer value. From the highest point on the brace you just made, you need run your top horizontal reinforcement, this needs to run as far out on the door as possible. You can use two pieces of 1/8 inch bar. Bend the hinge side to a 90° the same depth as your top support triangle that you just got done making. The same thing will the second piece and weld diagonal cross bracing. Direct me to the inner door steel.
Now that you did all that and I know it sounds like a lot of work that you have to remember a doors only you like 50 in. You need to run a diagonal off of the bottom of the hinge, to the lowest point after the curve of the door that you can create a lower horizontal. The lower horizontal I would use 2 inch angle. On the forward most part of the inside of the door (latch side), that needs to be a vertical, tying in the top and bottom. Now for any large heavy door you need a diagonal brace. This needs to be accomplished at the farthest down point below the hinge so for this it would be after the curve of the door. This needs to extend to the highest point on the new latch side. Again this can be welded directly to the door steel.

Like you my first fabricating project was a hinge on a compound angle. Where was not a single hinge, both were a custom size swing and length... But as long as the pivot points match it doesn't matter.

Again beautiful work, on the hinge engine striker plate. I'm just pointing out the missing engineering that would remove the door bounce.

@jean-mariemuga2819 - 29.10.2024 12:47

Sorry. losing everything except some IG footage? It happens. Just ask the moon landing guys.

@williamh6547 - 30.10.2024 10:53

Awesome work bro 👍👍

@DigitalSwagg - 01.11.2024 00:37

I owned my 2006 Lexus LS430 for about 8 years and it was absolutely the best, most reliable car I ever owned,...until I purchased my 2017 LS460. Those hinges are incredible and look amazing. Just subscribed!

@Fr3DDYJay - 01.11.2024 04:17


@GramReaperdeadly - 06.11.2024 08:16

Could you do my 2007 es350

@hobo_jesus - 07.11.2024 22:43

Just subd bro good stuff

@ruslypaul8603 - 11.11.2024 17:58

Can you do mine...have a ram 1500 crew cab???❤❤❤❤

@ruslypaul8603 - 11.11.2024 18:04

😮😮😮❤❤❤❤ Nice 👌 👍

@samuelsegura4492 - 17.11.2024 05:43

Came out Nice very Nice

@KaosProject21 - 30.01.2025 00:45

Lol this is awesome

Could you build a set for an SUV with a 4" wide fender flare?

It would be the same situation but crazier lol. You'd need like a foot long hinge lol

@KaosProject21 - 30.01.2025 00:58

Amen bro this channel is bad ass.

Preesh cardboard sided design too, this is all old-school low-tech as fuck.

Too many places lean on an arc-droid/send-cut-send/other CNC cutter and a damn bamboo printer that it prices these projects out of reasonable feasibility for first timers.

I mean you can even print cad to paper and do cardboard and wood templates, these guys with home automated manufacturing are ridiculous. Only something I would be mass producing justifies that sort of initial investment lol...

@Rosetti. - 18.03.2025 14:24

Do you have a video of how you made these hinges? Maybe some blueprints or drawings?

@Horatio_Jones - 22.03.2025 21:49

Would you be willing to do the same thing on an LS400?
