Which Variable ND Filter is Best? Freewell V2 vs PolarPro Helix vs NiSi True Color vs H&Y EVO Flow

Which Variable ND Filter is Best? Freewell V2 vs PolarPro Helix vs NiSi True Color vs H&Y EVO Flow

Dustin Armstrong

1 год назад

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@iComplainer - 06.12.2023 23:10

Becore even watching im going to guess/proclaim that the nisi wins.

@PaulFeinberg - 07.12.2023 01:14

Freewells are so good. Great job!

@InventiveImagery - 07.12.2023 02:59

Isn’t that screw on the Freewell filter to just level out the streak filters?

@BuildMontage - 07.12.2023 04:31

Love the idea of magnetic - the amount of times I've over screwed my step up ring on too tight and then have to struggle getting it off... might need to look at this system.... once I decide whether or not to pull the trigger on the NiSi Athena set :) Solid video mate..

@ggdfggdfgdffgfddg34 - 07.12.2023 23:43

compare stabilization s1h vs s5II

@KhmaiMedia - 08.12.2023 01:51

i want that Lumix jacket lol

@BLiu1 - 09.12.2023 08:08

The Amazon affiliate link for the Freewell V2 goes to the Freewell M2 page instead

@rexplorer.official - 13.12.2023 16:51

They start as at 3 stops down. That’s too much as a run & gun vlogger who going in & out of indoor areas a lot.

@marcosuozzi - 20.12.2023 21:06

Thank you for this 🤗 had the same problem with the Polarpro lock system… even with the caps that didn‘t lock 😞 sent it back and went with the Nisi. Hope they work well 🤞

@marclabro - 01.01.2024 10:09

nice review. Still hesitate for a7rv between M2 and V2. isn't it a problem to have a cpl always active (cross polarization, 1stop loss,...) ? can we desactivate cpl to make it invisible ?

@JesseSudich - 08.01.2024 05:07

Dat Panny Boy autofocus...

This wasn't filmed on an S5 ii was it?

@alite502 - 18.01.2024 09:12

My Only gripe with freewell is the glow mist is too vintage looking

@sparkestudio - 21.01.2024 16:15

What gets me is where is a lens hood option? If you has the sun angled to fhe side of the filter you'll likely get flaring. Is there any lens hoof that actually fits? I wonder if the KASE magnetic 92mm with 82mm step down fits?

@stkuj - 01.02.2024 02:08

I'd love a follow up on color shift or reproduction. Your previous video indicated that the NISI was " true color". I've seen reviews that the Freewell filters are warmer (may or may not like). Wondering if there was a color shirt with the Freewell system?

@benhall8069 - 23.02.2024 19:19

I use Nuances VNDs wish you did review on them

@StevenDavisPhoto - 27.02.2024 07:41

$650-800 for filters is ridiculous. Freewell all day. This video convinced me to buy the set. Thanks!

@michaelfrymus - 05.03.2024 08:15

Are there no magnetic ND filters that are solid NDs, and not variable? Id rather have that

@philvfilms - 08.03.2024 11:14

Great review, can you use the cpl on the freewell magnet adaptor without the VND being on as well?

@thedaniellerender - 16.03.2024 00:39

Can I stack my tiffen mist filter on top of the freewell v2?

@AA-uu8ox - 18.03.2024 10:30

Thanks for your helpful video. I've been thinking about getting the Freewell V2, but I've heard that one of the problems with it is that there is no lens hood that fits. Is this true? If it is, what can you use instead?

@TheSuperwals - 25.03.2024 14:33

Thanks for the vid ! Is the kit usable once bought or do I need to buy an adaptor or something else ?

@gangs0846 - 05.04.2024 05:32

So do you need a nd filter indoors or at darker areas as well for motion blur?

@ceelothatmane9421 - 13.04.2024 03:12

If my lens is alr 82mm thread would I still need the step? Would I have to worry about vignetting?

@ceelothatmane9421 - 13.04.2024 03:14

I have the V1 freewell for 77mm I think I’ll just stick with what I know and get the free well V2

@hzubovi1 - 23.04.2024 17:41

Have You tried anything from KF Concept?

@x1928 - 23.04.2024 20:41

If you're using a 7-9 stop frequently you might also need a new pair of eyes.

@VlogCity - 27.04.2024 11:23

The color shift part was so so helpful. Thank you!

@WillTMoney-fk1td - 27.04.2024 17:17

Soooo.. We're staying Switzerland on the subject?

@greenthumbsplanter - 27.04.2024 22:54

good video ...i bought the freewell v2 kit with a 77 t0 82 magnetic adaptor ..... the problem is the magnet not strong enough to keep lemse on camera.....i was curious did you have the same problem and if sio any advise to keep the magnetic filter on my camera... any advice to solve the problem ...thanks

@samhawkes6597 - 30.04.2024 22:12

so frustrating. I just want to know what the best variable nd filter is to buy! I dont know how many videos Ive watched now!! this is so frustrating, im putting my new camera in the bin in a minute. I wish people would stop sitting on the fence and call a bad filter bad and a good filter good!

@danielphotoa - 07.05.2024 00:25

I never noticed the color shift and polarization thing until you pointed it out, then I tried it on my VND's by Moment and I was blown away by the polarization. I never knew by simply turning the filter it would change the polarization. If I knew this before I never would've bought a CPL filter lol. Thanks so much for pointing that out, looks like I'm going to get Freewell filters!

@topicruben - 08.05.2024 00:00

Very helpful. Thank you

@gilcarag274 - 29.06.2024 23:39

The Kase magnetic VND should be probably in that comparison. That’s the system I use (not the VND) and I find it very good for a reasonable price. These PolarPro filters are definitely way overpriced. No way I put this kind of amount in a filter.

@levischuurmans9400 - 17.07.2024 02:08

I wanna get the Canon R50, does the V2 work well on that one?

@anthonycasteloa9679 - 28.07.2024 20:19

very nice video and new subscriber! what lense did you use for the « product shot » on this video. footage of the freewel « bag » is unbelievably good 😍

@svengrundmann6603 - 30.07.2024 09:26

Hi Dustin, thanks a lot. Have you ever experienced a VND hindering the autofocus to be precise and snappy?

@costtv - 02.08.2024 05:13

What’s Up Dustin,

Im Not Educated At All On Filters… However, All My Video Content I Record Outdoords… I’m Looking For A Good VIR- ND Filter And A Polarized Lens Filter … I’m Working With A Sony A6600 My Lenses Are:
Sony E16=55mm 2.8 And Sony E15mm F1.4..

Thank You…What’s Up Pat,

Im Not Educated At All On Filters… However, All My Video Content I Record Outdoords… I’m Looking For A Good VIR- ND Filter And A Polarized Lens Filter … I’m Working With A Sony A6600 My Lenses Are:
Sony E16-55mm 2.8 And Sony E15mm F1.4..

Thank You…

@andrewheki2257 - 06.09.2024 21:26

Remove the glass from a cheap polarizer filter and place the rotating ring between your lens and VND. You can now rotate the entire filter for the best color balance, but this might increase vignetting.

@sli8462 - 25.09.2024 07:23

Great video. I cannot fathom paying the price of the PolarPros. I ended up going with the Freewell as it's consistently touted as being good... and not just good for the price, but actually relatively good in general

@IslandFilmMaker - 05.10.2024 18:12

What! How can you justify the cost of 2 NDPL filters up to $800? I've spent too much money over 3 decades on filters in my career... but this is outrageous. Maybe I'm out-of-touch with what people are making these days, but I'd rather put this much cash towards another lens , a trip to Iceland, or somewhere else and keep screwing in my filters without taking up extra room and still use my lens covers.

@monsieurpapou - 30.11.2024 22:25

the magnetic system looks nice to me because I am a photographer too and I think image quality is very lowered by the filter when you want to take pictures so I want to be able to take my filter on and out quickly but the thing is I also use quite a large amount of prime lenses so I wonder how I could manage the fact that I would have to use the filter on various lenses which made me lose the benefit of being able to magnetically remove the filter and take it to a lens or another what do you think?

@moshigan38 - 01.12.2024 08:13

Was debating between Freewell V2 vs H&Y. Now, I know what I need. Thank you!

@santiagopedraza2739 - 01.12.2024 18:43

Someone could tell me if it's compatible with smallrig mini mattebox? Thx

@TravisChow - 23.12.2024 21:37

I watched 5-6 videos on variable ND filters. Yours is the best, highlighting things that matter. Subscribed.

@trfisher78 - 29.01.2025 08:19

I was going to order a VND from Amazon. I looked at Freewell, PolarPro, NiSi, and a few others. While they all had great reviews they all also had some very negative reviews, so I really don't know which I should get.

@lukea2052 - 16.02.2025 09:58

Crazy the PolarPro advertise their filters as the best and then they loose all that sharpness. Really shows the marketing power beefing their name.
