This Van Needs A Transmission

This Van Needs A Transmission

Florida Van Man

2 года назад

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@zambotv8150 - 12.02.2023 01:46

Close but, no cigar

@Thesyndicate11111 - 12.02.2023 01:52

You're the man for these vans.

@jayashcroft3822 - 12.02.2023 01:58

So how do I get you to look at my van?

@bobw9297 - 12.02.2023 02:06

looks like it had a hard life

@timoklap - 12.02.2023 09:17

i just swapped out that sprintshit for a manual, and been driven now for 90000km, have had no problems with that. now 395000km on clock

@data_Dj - 13.02.2023 00:08

thank you, bill! by the way, what is the significance of the beeping sound when key turned in ignition? i know a single beep means a door is open because of one trial i’ve done with one instrument display unit. i have trialed another instrument display unit that beeps 15 times at key turn regardless of doors. this 2005 t1n also gives code “U0423 - Invalid Data Received From Instrument Panel.” van runs and drives great btw.

@theeaskey - 13.02.2023 15:32

There are some shops here in FL that will do a rebuild, not cheap,

@MannyFBaby - 18.02.2023 16:30

Hey I’m in the market for a used sprinter i have around 6k and I’m in winter haven FL. Do you know any high ceilings out there for around that price?

@jorchmixx1554 - 03.03.2023 05:08

What are signs of bad torque converter??

@grantdubridge7995 - 08.10.2023 22:04

Do you have a suggestion of where to get a transmission?

@DolllarStone - 21.11.2023 09:24

What about manual converting sprinters like these? In brazil they are all manual

@GH-gn1zp - 31.08.2024 02:29

Anyone know where to get rebuilt transmissions for these?

@NoelBarlau - 01.09.2024 15:52

We just picked our 2006 T1N based Itasca Navion up from having the transmission rebuilt at just under 118k miles. We'd just picked it up and were on our first short outing when it grenaded both the torque converter and hydraulic pump. Just got it back from rebuild to the tune of $5146. We're in the Atlanta area and I called about 20 shops before I found one surprisingly close to our place who would do the job. They'd done all the transmission work for the ambulance services in the area, so were very familiar with the 722.6 issues. Fingers crossed, it's rolling down the road again at least. If this happens again I'll be doing the manual swap for sure. Any tips for keeping these transmissions happy would be appreciated.
