FIRST TIME IN AGES! No Heroes on Rate-Up - SHOULD YOU SUMMON on the 1+1? ⁂ Watcher of Realms

FIRST TIME IN AGES! No Heroes on Rate-Up - SHOULD YOU SUMMON on the 1+1? ⁂ Watcher of Realms


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@davidhfranz - 27.02.2025 10:50

In almost every 1x1 I've removed a hero from the Nascent pool. I only have 8 left.

@stickgamer3303 - 27.02.2025 10:53

1+1 is love

@danielDefoe81 - 27.02.2025 10:54

on the last 1+1 I only had the worst heroes ever. On my last 2x Banners I had Hex 2 times and I had 2 back to backs. I m really thinking about not pulling on any 15x or 1+1 banners on my account anymore and just go on the 2x.... (despite being late game). and to be honest: not having any hero seems weird and they should communicate that - looks broken or like a bug and is not anticipated as a player to not have any hero on the banner.

@Sonic01-14 - 27.02.2025 11:16

Next weekend Elowyn is arriving, em I right? 🤔🫣

@alessandrovecchio4335 - 27.02.2025 11:45

gonna pull for the 1+1 cause close to pity and want to clear nascent since zelus and apsan are still missing in my account and for sure don't want too pull them from nascent XD

@Pejugagal404 - 27.02.2025 11:47

for me 2 weeks playing i love it 👍👍

@lekoknightgaming8071 - 27.02.2025 11:53

I’ve not been getting rated up heroes for 2 months now so idgaf anymore 😭😭

@bananaketchup9353 - 27.02.2025 12:37

Wish they made nascent and 1+1

@sanreals1259 - 27.02.2025 12:38

Love it, I might like hoarding more then I like pulling

@jonathanwenta5305 - 27.02.2025 12:38

Glad for the breather tbh

@jonathanwenta5305 - 27.02.2025 12:45

While there have been alot of power creep, and defo some useless heroes.
This game has decent rates on rate up (it does need to be updated to x20)
Compared to many other games, even some that have been out for less time, its pretty decent.
Only like 10-15 terribad/useless heroes ib the game.
Sure if you ha e sun wukong it can replace something like a mid tier nightmare fighter, but alot are good still and at least usable or even top tier in a specifoc codex (like anai).
Part of the reason lefo tanks are meh outside like 2-3 is we have somw really good epics and they dont know how to make content that makes lego tanks required generally speaking.
Id argue outside top tier rabked contnent/pvp you xan complete the game with epic tanks.

@christlichokumenischekirch254 - 27.02.2025 12:49

Well, it's okay, if you don't summon so you can collect more, for the next great banner.

@Technomolee - 27.02.2025 14:28

Yuri was my second legendary pull after about 4 days of playing and 60 days later she is still my most powerful and most used character

@PaRAtro0per - 27.02.2025 15:53

The game feels so dead. We need regular content.

@Karp_Dominion - 27.02.2025 16:11

It would’ve been a great weekend for a nascent banner. I wish that the leakers still leaked banners because it would be nice to know what’s coming.

@the_librarian4400 - 27.02.2025 16:38

The rewards on daily content are so terrible there’s very little reason to login unless an event. I can’t even look forward to drake chasm chests, save for 1-2 outlayers a week. Let’s get a 2x on ancient btw.

@abyssabyss7203 - 27.02.2025 16:46

We really need banners to start being 20x or even 25x

@the_librarian4400 - 27.02.2025 16:49

I need Constance and ferssi. Only missing five non exclusives outside of those 2

@Post-Trib - 27.02.2025 16:54

I could use Torodor and Solcaden since i have neither. Even Twin would be an upgrade

@DeliciousBert - 27.02.2025 16:59

Elowyn next week, don't summon if you need her.

@jamaalposlosky7589 - 27.02.2025 17:01

I never pull 15x drop ever. So I really don’t think it matters for my account.

@EarlTheFool - 27.02.2025 17:02

You already know what I’m doing

@Falaraid7279 - 27.02.2025 17:12

Hey fastidious, thanks for the video.

I'm at nightmare 4 clanboss but cannot hit that high yet, and not at stage 19 each gear raid either. Should I go for the 1+1? I am quite new to the game as well.

@coreyg4591 - 27.02.2025 17:13

I always pull on the 1+1 worst case. I sell them and can buy a soul stone in the store when one pops up I like.

@TheBorsMistral - 27.02.2025 17:54

How is the 1+1 much different than the double rate, unless you are close to pity?

@pandabytes4991 - 27.02.2025 18:05

I think you forgot the completionist players who are chasing the achievement for 3 legendary heroes in a single 10x pull. That extra free legendary goes towards that. One of my alts got that achievement thanks to the 1 + 1 banner.

@Cerberus_CC - 27.02.2025 18:12

They really need to adopt fasty's summoning idea.

@webbilexi6640 - 27.02.2025 18:31

Mid-game F2P player here. I have around 20 legendary heroes but no AoE mage yet, which is really limiting my progress in the game (Gear Dungeon 1, ARM 20, Gear Raid 1, GvG and even the campaign at N9-20). I have Silas, but I couldn't get my hands on Vierna in the last banner, despite using over 400 summons. This game can be really frustrating at times.

@Brisingr476 - 27.02.2025 18:42

The events have also been rather slow ro appear on the events tab. In my recollection that only happens when there is an update coming, does this mean there is a big update headed out way or maybe the transfer to the new skystone company is almost ready?

@michaelstinson7610 - 27.02.2025 18:48

I almost always hit the 1+1. Hopefully they are fixing the 15 rate. It seems the 15 rate doesn't work.

@boredom2go - 27.02.2025 18:59

They need more PvE content that involves these heroes that are perpetually on the sideline. If there were some flavor of faction trial where Azhor or Crach were the best available heroes, then they would suddenly be part of the conversation, even without a buff.

@Wanderingmillenial - 27.02.2025 19:05

Do we need legendary summoning crystals for this 1+1 or the regular blue ones?

@inf1n1 - 27.02.2025 19:31

I'm over my mercy but always get junk on those 2x hero banner hmm

@JT-gi8rx - 27.02.2025 21:00

I’m a newer player, about 2 weeks in, I think I’ll try for this in hopes I hit a legendary within a reasonable amount of pulls. Think I’m sitting at 65 blue summon things, so hoping I hit within 10-20 pulls somehow…😅

@timtoney9646 - 27.02.2025 21:02

Must say it’s kinda welcomed.

@Vesyp - 27.02.2025 21:03

When you were mentioning the need for players to calculate their own scenario on how useful a random hero for the 1+1 would be for them, you missed out on plugging your nascent calculator.

It's an alternate use case, but in a "fresh", no heroes removed setting, it'll provide the % chance for each hero from the 1+1. So all someone has to do is go through each hero and sum up the totals for the ones that a player would find useful.

Great video as always!

@enginegreek6813 - 27.02.2025 21:39

Good old days are back

@ShadowTheFirst-STF - 27.02.2025 22:04

There was supposed to be the Ice fox girl/elowyn, but they couldn't finish it properly in time (something they're comfortable with releasing) so it just looks like that now

@ocobvtruth4276 - 27.02.2025 23:40

Bro! I need Ferssi!!! So bad lmao

@Auskaa - 28.02.2025 01:57

For those who have extra summons( Always have 200 summons resource saved up for surprise Limited banner) Or who just wanna risk it.
1) 1+1 is a good way to fill your roster for nascent banner, just keep your expectations really low, dont hope anything good.
2) When you get full dupe crap heroes, DO NOT AWAKEN your hero, keep dupes, since you can sell leg hero for 100 Leg. Awakening token and from Awakening Shop you may get to buy a Soulstone for some hro that is normally kinda hard to get.

@bradsmith2937 - 28.02.2025 02:01

I have been passing on all of the 1+1 banners over the last few months because of all of the banger banners and Limiteds that we have had. But, I am going to summon on it this time. I don't have enough to reach pity, even with rebates, but as I see it, I am either going to get lucky and get 2 leggos, or I am going to become very close to pity (30-40) for what comes next. As far as I know, there aren't any Limiteds coming up in the near future, so why save ? Building pity is a part of this game, and if I wind up screwing my pity by getting double Crach, oh well, it's part of the game. It's a gamble, and sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose...

@ElenaAideen - 28.02.2025 05:49

Hmm, only 19 Leggos so far, but hey.... Got Laseer at A2. At least he's useful in GR-1.

Probably do 3-4 ten pulls. Worst thing can happen is building towards pity.

@datriggr8287 - 28.02.2025 08:04

Nice time to save up resources.

@kylekaplan3671 - 28.02.2025 18:50

I need Brokir, Edith Lucius, Yuri, Nocturn, Beezlebub, Anora and thats it for the general pool. Brokir is my #1

@MikeWolfMan - 28.02.2025 19:20

Patience is Prudent. Still waiting for repeat banners of already existing characters whom I have yet to obtain.
Still need Orim, Trusk, Cyrus. Still need Solcadens and TwinFiend. Still want Falcia, Gisele, Artemis, Vargus, Fillipa.

@thealatorresquad - 01.03.2025 09:50

You in cali?
In n out is the best!
Cheapest best food ever.

@karsh001 - 01.03.2025 11:13

Got Vierna, Xaris and King Harz. Jus sayin

@Wrongdoer_ - 01.03.2025 12:00

Using your advice I just pulled Torodor and Xena on my second 10 pull of the day. Glad to not waste a tonne of summon crystals. Not sure if these legendaries are any good but I’ll take it as I’m early mid game

@23cziken - 02.03.2025 02:13

ancient gear pity when? it doesnt seem like they introduced it in the end
