A Banjodunc Production: In the 1970's when a flourishing bluegrass scene was taking Canada by storm, Boot Records, the label owned by Stompin' Tom Connors and operated by his partner Jury Krytiuk, saw a business opportunity and signed most of the professional bands to publishing and distribution contracts. This all came to be because Canada's National Banjo champion, Denis Lepage called and asked if Boot was interested. Sometimes all it takes is a simple phone call. This is the story of how that happened.
For many decades, Boot Records contributed much to the Canadian musical landscape. It enjoyed a long reign as the top independent record label in the country. Besides Whiskey Jack, many benefited from their presence - Hall of Famer, Brent Williams, Stompin' Tom's writing partner and best friend Gate Lepine, Liona Boyd, Canadian Brass, Tom's producer and steel guitar player, Mickey Andrews and more. #bootrecords #stompintom #denislepage #whiskeyjackmusic #dixieflyers #stationroad #humberrivervalleyboys #lionaboyd #jurykrytiuk #mickeyandrews #gaetlepine #gatelepine #chrisscott #canadianbrass