Braum, the kindhearted giant
ОтветитьAround that time I started playing LoL. Braum is the first login screen I saw. I stopped playing 2 or so years ago because I stopped enjoying the game.
ОтветитьThis camp in arcane with this theme.. I would cry😢😢
Braum is the kind of hero I like the most. A man who exercises violence not to conquer or dominate, but to protect. A man who doesn't hate, who sees in every opponents not an enemy, but a potential friend. A big man with an even bigger heart.
He, along with Poppy, is an inspiration to me. Thanks Riot for such a great character!!!
Braum esta aqui, oña
ОтветитьManhood Peak.
Ответитьbest login screen
ОтветитьБоже, это было 8 лет назад, Браум, люблю
Ответить- You will never be like Braum
- Huh, why?
- Because you will never feel loneliness... 😢
Him is an inspiration of hope and happiness through this darkness world we live in!
Braum he is the best!💪💪💙💙💙😎🔝💯🫡👑
There is a real life Braum, and his name is Brian Shawn
ОтветитьCada vez que me juego la primera partida en aram la coloco y siempre ganó
ОтветитьThis opening makes me turn in a addicted. Thanks riot. U stole my mind healthy
ОтветитьBraum and Alex Louis Armstrong well be really good friends
Ответить¿Desde cuando el frío del Frieljord se siente cómo un abrazo caluroso? ❤
Ответитьthis was the login screen, when i first started playing league. made me feel so welcome. this is why login screens are important.
ОтветитьThe character everyone wants on their team, but no one wants to play. The selfless hero incarnate.
Ответитьdu du dud dudududdu dudu dudu duddu du du dudu dududududududu
ОтветитьComeçei a jogar quando tava nessa login, saudades
ОтветитьI want to be just like him when i grow up
magic door and all
The login screens were one of the coolest thing League had :(
ОтветитьNow this is a true angel….from Valhalla
Ответитьnever let go of that hand again
Ответить😭😭😭😭😭 essa época foi tao feliz na minha vida que legal 💙💚♥️💜
Ответитьforte não so de seu físico , mas, de um coração de todo bom e reto🫡
ОтветитьI am looking through Lord of the ring songs... and this guy showed up... Is that a sign?
ОтветитьThis is the first thing i heard when login in too the the game for the first time ever, you could say i was hooked.
Ответитьliterally me
ОтветитьI started with this😢
Ответить10 years later and still maining Braum. what a great champion
Ответить1.5x enjoy
ОтветитьBraum vs Evo Pekka Who win?
Ответить"When going gets tough. You call Braum."
ОтветитьThe music and the champion invite you to play a game without being toxic... at least that's what happened to me when it came out 😬
ОтветитьBraume gives a wow vibe 😁
ОтветитьThe definition of a true hero
ОтветитьBraum too good for this game, ngl
ОтветитьMelhor época ❤
ОтветитьBeautiful... My first champion i mained back in 2016 when i was still new to the game
ОтветитьThats my favourite Soundtrack by Riot! 🙂
ОтветитьTo this day one of THE BEST.
Ответитьle bon vieux temps maintenant on nous hcie a la gueule allègrement
ОтветитьDont lie to me the latest jules video brought you here ;)
ОтветитьLos Ratones.
Ответитьold b gold
Ответитьold but gold