Shamea LOSES IT on Angela - Drew Stuck in the CHAOS! RHOA S16

Shamea LOSES IT on Angela - Drew Stuck in the CHAOS! RHOA S16


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@abenaappiah-k5526 - 17.03.2025 11:56

Shamea doing too much honestly. I’m rooting for her but please we get that you’ve been waiting to get a peach all these years. Don’t ruin it!

@shylock5477 - 17.03.2025 13:33

Ralph got the nerve

@mademoiseledoshay618 - 17.03.2025 13:43

Alot of ppl aint neva had a real friend in their life so of course they will call Shamea a lapdog. Drew never been a real friend to nobody (hint her betrayal to Porsha). Angela dont know what real is & you cant expect her to when her entire physical existence is fake. 🤷🏾‍♀️

@trinapoke5597 - 17.03.2025 14:48

Drew is so low with her remarks about people behind their back.

@travistheentertainertv6870 - 17.03.2025 14:51

Drew stay lying 🤥🤣🤣🤣

@strongesthope - 17.03.2025 14:57

Fck Drew and everything she stand for. How u gonna cry about your divorce and then turn around and dog out the person who help u along the way when their going through a divorce as well. Like your feelings are more important than Porsha's.
And tell oh girl 6ft bitches can fall hard too. Run up get done up. Don't come for Shamea.

@iamsenitrashaneil1234 - 17.03.2025 15:11

well shamea she was a church mouse when porsha was yapping like an unhinged yorkie makes sense in this moment cause right then she was asking you about your actions and you we’re definitely asking for porsha cause that’s when porsha took the floor 😂 then to yell and tell that man i’ll never see you again as if he did something to her 😮😂 She big mad.

@LinaLina-we4nl - 17.03.2025 15:17

Not a fan of these ladies 😵‍💫💥
Henceforward, Shamea, is ✅ Ok.
Angela, assuming the fake nose/ personality =bone collector’s/ No Storyline or trying to get beefy with Shamea🫤.
Drew, is still boneheaded and dip from the previous prerecorded episodes from last, last year’s 🤪😑😂🤣😅✅

@ThatgirlisSpicy97 - 17.03.2025 15:23

SHAMEA IS TEA! Y’all are haters who do the bare minimum so when you see a girly that gives and has it all, you can’t take it.

@Naomivazquezz - 17.03.2025 15:29

SHAMEA deserves that peach 🍑 but those women don’t deserve her

@sadlymistaken8337 - 17.03.2025 15:29

Shamea truly works out. The other two were faking a work out. They just wanna wear cute outfits and pretend to work up a sweat.

@ijv0317 - 17.03.2025 15:36

If Angela kept her mouth shut and let Shamea finish she would actually know something instead of making an assumption to validate Drew's messiness

@Shankie70 - 17.03.2025 15:41

Yep not liking Shamea on her, just acting out to much and she most certainly was being a lap dog for Porsha, although Porsha will not lap (lol) for her.

@Shankie70 - 17.03.2025 15:42

Also I see her in the middle is she trying to be the IT girl. Nawh Shamea go bk and do what you were doing before. Don’t like how she acting on here

@Shankie70 - 17.03.2025 15:43

Also I see her in the middle is she trying to be the IT girl. Nawh Shamea go bk and do what you were doing before. Don’t like how she acting on here

@Shankie70 - 17.03.2025 15:44

We also know how BRAVO is.. they will cut the science to make it look good. They like making Drew look dumb..

@annaford1725 - 17.03.2025 16:03

Shamea showing off. Too much 💔

@Bob-rh4zb - 17.03.2025 16:35

Angela was doing too much and should’ve let Shamea finish, how is Shamea a lap dog all of a sudden when Angela was chiming in at Shamea house telling Drew that bs she was talking didn’t sound right? i can’t, carry on Shamea😂😂😂

@lola-rose6809 - 17.03.2025 17:32

Drew is saying Porsha should have said if she would or wouldnt have had a problem with her wrking with Dennis, but Drew should have asked prior if Porsha would have minded if she worked with her ex/bbf just out of respect in the first place.

@karlaheron4766 - 17.03.2025 17:59

What is wrong with Angela's nose???!!!😂😂😂😂😂

@Mz.TooMuch2YouBoo - 17.03.2025 18:14

Hopefully, Shames won't continue to be porsha's puppet 😏

@Mz.TooMuch2YouBoo - 17.03.2025 18:15

Ralph is a Whole Bum 😅 Him Down Stairs 😂

@bekkaboo2095 - 17.03.2025 18:26

I wanna like Drew but she lies too damn much. It’s second nature to her

@brendamahlangu4443 - 17.03.2025 18:42

Drew lies just as much as Porsha🚮🙄🙄🤭

@shernitajackson1393 - 17.03.2025 19:06

I 'm loving this new season and the new girls, esp Angela! I love Drew and hope Ralph doesn't get a dime from her!!!

@latulipe1220 - 17.03.2025 19:16

Shamea is a lackey, riding so hard for someone who couldn’t care less about her.

@AriesBleu - 17.03.2025 19:19

These noses! They look ridiculous. Chopping them down makes your face lose it's character and it's ugly.

@prettybrowneyes4651 - 17.03.2025 19:41

I am here for Shamea and please believe me she is her own women

@ItsJustJayla - 17.03.2025 20:17

Angela need to have that energy for her husband lmao she sure lets him bull doze her 😮

@JoxGentry - 17.03.2025 20:26

I’m with Shemea .

@djh5856 - 17.03.2025 21:40

I’m with shamea on this one. Angela shut up

@snowbunny-y8k - 17.03.2025 22:58

What tf did that lady do to her face whoever drew talking to omg 😂😂😂 lady in purple

@marilynmarie6816 - 17.03.2025 23:46

Drew Calling Shamea a lap dog because she’s riding for her friend and defending her friend is hilarious. Bc I remember she wanted the same treatment from Sonya, but who threw her under the bus soon as they started filming. She wish she had a friend like shamea.

@sylviarosario6503 - 18.03.2025 00:16

The level of people here, arguing and so invested in these people’s lives is saddening. Go yourselves a life.🤷🏾‍♀️

@Ruddd23 - 18.03.2025 01:48

shame is Porsha's lap dog,

@RenardoPageSr - 18.03.2025 04:39

Shamea better use her woman's intuition and discernment. Porsha is not a good friend to anyone, and she definitely cannot be trusted. Porsche does not respect anybody's marriage because she was in Falan's home pretending to be her friend and acting like she cared about her. When only she was doing, was plotting to steal Falan's husband Simon away from her. Porsche has showed her real true character and how she really moves in her life and in her relationships with people. Shamea needs to leave Porsche alone and definitely don't have her in her home, around her kids, and especially not around her husband. When a person shows you who they are, how they feel, their real true character and intentions from how they move in life and situations....BELIEVE THEM!

@GIRLY4293 - 18.03.2025 04:41

And why Angela didn’t have this energy at the party. Girl bye; it’s giving pressed

@tynnettasmithveal9449 - 18.03.2025 05:40

Don't like any of the newbies they all can go

@millicentadams9332 - 18.03.2025 07:53

Angella I liked you girl

@Keiona-in8fs - 18.03.2025 07:57

We see your almost 60 year old NOSE...And I Promise I only know Drew from "The Game" music with Dennis 😂

@breemoore-t4w - 18.03.2025 16:48

Angela needs to be quiet your doing exactly what your accusing shamea of if I’m not mistaken before shamea met up with Porsha was the conversation not brought up by Brit at the table then she took that information back to Porsha I’m sure she didn’t even know . Porsha came of strong over it but drew definitely likes to play stupid

@onelovealways527 - 18.03.2025 21:22

I really dont care for drew or angela

@tasha88881 - 18.03.2025 22:15

"Beautiful house mind you." Angela...🤣🤣🤣

@tasha88881 - 18.03.2025 22:24

"Beautiful house mind you." Angela...🤣🤣🤣
Shamea was right. Angela should of spoke up at the party.

@joycesharfner6968 - 19.03.2025 02:17

Why is Drew!Still here with this old marriage singer storyline problems😅?

@americangrubs664 - 19.03.2025 04:12

Is it me or does Shamea look totally different from the days of hanging with Porsha ? Also I think Porscha wanted her life. Married to a rich African guy

@sholavaughan4982 - 20.03.2025 03:45

I like angela

@bunnbadmind9574 - 21.03.2025 17:10

Well I guess they a whole dog show because EVERYONE wanted 2 know if they sleepn 2gether... lap dog my asss make that comment make sense

@ndileka216 - 23.03.2025 08:19

Drew, Angel is being a lapdog as well
