Macbook Air M1 2020 Space Grey Screen Replacement A2337

Macbook Air M1 2020 Space Grey Screen Replacement A2337


2 года назад

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@JamesStrickland1975 - 30.11.2024 22:01

Great Video. Thank you for making it!

@owl.mp4 - 03.12.2024 20:41

the CLAWING at the battery doesn't fill me with confidence

@danielmyshkun669 - 04.12.2024 22:45

Thank you So Much!!!! All steps like needed, got it done and working perfect!!!

@tdfowler2000 - 07.12.2024 03:56

Thanks! Great video and instructions. I was able to replace my screen , took me about 1.5 hours though. If I had to do it again, I could probably knock it out in 20-30 mins. First time through these repairs you have to go slow and make sure you got the right driver for each screw and don't force anything apart. A few years ago I destroyed a Mac mini by being too rough and careless. Learned my lesson.

@lear60man - 12.12.2024 06:52

Worked for me! Ihad to hook up the wall charger for it to boot up for some reason. But once I did, the screen came to life showing 48% battery life where I left it when it broke.

@thecriss88 - 13.12.2024 23:14

thanks buddy!

@lkptjeff - 15.12.2024 01:52

Like new! Thanks so much! The replacement screen I bought had a link to a video which was worthless in comparison to yours.

@unraue - 17.12.2024 01:47

Was able to replace this screen no problem with the help of this video. Thanks!

@dannyphantom3686 - 17.12.2024 04:42

I had only one problem the replacement screen wouldn’t close all the way. Had to take the screen back off and wiggle the hinges around a little bit they were very stiff. I added a little bit of lubricant on them and it helped as well.

@erikeduardo8676 - 19.12.2024 11:26

Thanks bro

@pana5000 - 19.12.2024 22:29

Thanx! it is impossible following your video NOT to succeed in replacing the display. Top.

@jrrtech - 19.12.2024 22:40

Excelent video. Thank You

@crosstownhigh - 20.12.2024 22:03

Great video!!!! Thank you!

@ap582001 - 21.12.2024 19:41

Thanks so much for this video. Just worked through it and all went perfectly! I got my replacement screen from ReplaceBase in UK - slightly more expensive than eBay but very good service.

@vanessajohnson3952 - 25.12.2024 08:55

Excellent video. I replaced my screen very easily. But now the keyboard isn't working. After a Google search apparently this can be an issue after replacing the screen. Hoping to find another video as good as yours to help me fix this keyboard issue now.

@berenewedofficial - 27.12.2024 07:45

Thank you! I did it myself when Apple quoted me over $400 to replace mine

@Paul-d2t6h - 28.12.2024 07:43

Your video was super helpful. I followed it step-by-step and successfully replaced a broken screen. Thanks for taking the time to produce such a valuable resource.

@catner70 - 30.12.2024 19:50

What if camera is not working?

@Ayqbpsyabfg - 31.12.2024 20:25

Hi guys, any recomendation for replacement? I saw few on ali and in Europe only used „in good condition”.

@stephenyounge7482 - 31.12.2024 20:57

Thank you! I have used this video twice with success! Everything is very well explained.

@iamcheiq - 06.01.2025 03:51

This was so easy thirty minutes of my time it looks way more daunting than it is just do what he said take pic of inside the computer and print the picture and layer screw it’s so easy I could do one right now without watching the video

@henz8256 - 07.01.2025 04:17

I did it, too! I'm a 58 year-old female homesteader. If I can do this anyone can! 
I had closed a cable connecting speakers on the right side of the screen and damaged it.
He is easy to follow, accurate descriptions of everything, great camera placement.
Some challenges I had were: 1) removing the back, thankfully my husband bought a kit for computer repair which contained plastic pryers in a few different sizes. There wasn't one in with the screen, which we bought on Amazon. Only used 2 tools that came with the screen T9 and T4. He says T8 in the video, but it came with T9, which fit. 2) removing the glued on bar, that took a bit of work. (which he says it will)
I was thankful to be able to pause, rewind and watch again. 
I would recommend this fellow to anyone with computer issues! I'm even thinking about a career change...😊

@tricia8495 - 08.01.2025 05:34

Saved me over $400, thank you!!! Apple loves scamming people

@tony484x - 08.01.2025 15:05

Cost of repair from apple or 3rd party repair is worth more than the actual laptop 😂. Even a cheap replacement screen is worth half of the laptop

@eziz4047 - 08.01.2025 19:55

The camera dont work. Do you know why?

@jupagama - 10.01.2025 23:25

Great video

@buyfixsale5914 - 14.01.2025 05:57

I followed your steps to complete my screen replacement thanks

@woodstockxx - 16.01.2025 16:31

Apple are really pissing me off with all of this sticky stuff that they’re using on’s totally unnecessary & serves only to make life more difficult than it needs to be. Apple died with Steve Jobs imo & everything they’ve produced since his passing, is overpriced garbage !

@CALISUPERSPORT - 17.01.2025 00:19

Is there no way to fix a cracked lcd screen without replacing the metal backing? Its my old college laptop i was trying to preserve all the old decals and stickers i have on it 😢

@MrJQuinlan - 18.01.2025 20:38

Thanks worked perfectly

@jacobmakaya4919 - 18.01.2025 22:35

🎉🎉🎉🎉 amazing explanation

@dendani2010 - 19.01.2025 14:04

Super good video, thank you so much, just changed my screen following your video. Briliant my friend brilliant... thank you thousans

@vasildimitrov1906 - 21.01.2025 03:54

Great video! Very helpful did mine in 30 minutes

@ShaileshPai - 21.01.2025 11:21

Great instructions. Just completed a successful replacement. Thank you very much!

@aliabdelsalam4987 - 28.01.2025 04:52

Best Video with all the main details.. thanks a million ❤

@DominusDingus - 01.02.2025 07:46

Great guide! Worked perfectly. Saved me a little over 400usd. Thank you!

@mcmaddalena3317 - 09.02.2025 02:49

Thank you, thank you. Your video helped us be able to change our screen and saved us a lot of money. Great video, great tutorial, would highly recommend. All the best.

@pennyli9489 - 09.02.2025 04:00

Thank you. Was able to replace my screen following the video. Saved me so much money. THANK YOU!

@nigelcrask9408 - 10.02.2025 22:18

Thank-you for sharing this video - saved me some money doing this myself. Easier than you think - but would never have been able to do it without this tutorial!

@toddgraham7063 - 20.02.2025 16:38

Great tutorial, clean, straight to the point, works well. I even watched some other similar videos to confirm and this came out exactly what I needed, keep it up.

@maindrianpace6898 - 22.02.2025 00:41

Very nicely done thank you. Apple told my daughter to just buy a new computer, this video has her computer up and running again. Thank you

@dw5801 - 22.02.2025 03:56

Great video - many thanks - perfect - not too long, too short etc. :)

@MccallAlex - 23.02.2025 17:58

Very clear instructions worked first time for me - perfect - thank you.

@daburykin - 27.02.2025 00:55

Best tutorial, repaired successfully.

@MorganeC-k9b - 01.03.2025 06:41

Thank you so So much for this video! I have very limited knowledge of computers and was able to change my screen thanks to the instructions! Very clear step by step process which saved me so much money!! Thank you!!

@drew7104 - 02.03.2025 03:59

Worked perfectly! I bought the Seven Puppy screen replacement from his links.

A little dimmer but not noticeable to the point of not having. The WiFi antenna removal is the hardest part in my opinion. If you get a pry tool underneath it from the sides it comes right up though!

Super easy installation and great video explanation!

@olaflarsen9523 - 02.03.2025 20:59

omg so easy,i just bought my used laptop for 70 bucks!

@lucaslloyd6640 - 03.03.2025 02:31

hey thank you so much man my girlfriend broke her laptop screen at work yesterday and i had just purchased it for her a few months ago. she uses it everyday and was distraught. using your video i was able to purchase a screen and have it swapped out in an hour, good as new. you're the man, thank you so much buddy.
