Yea..I'm not happy about them just walking away from you and not sticking around for you. I'm really disappointed
ОтветитьI love your vids and I don't care if my comment is so late sorry
ОтветитьI had the most worst sleep normally I am insomnia one night I had deepest sleep woke up like I had run a marathon leg muscles were so sore could hardly walk my face was sore like I had screamed or had my mouth open wide all night but the worst one I found long silver shiny hair laying on the pillow beside me I had been having alot of paranormal activity for months this scared me alot
ОтветитьWhen u feel something diffrent like hot that coming from the spirit effecting you one time I was trying to chanel a spirit I started having a heart attack which scared me but it wasnt me it was like how the spirit had passed over I stopped the channelling instantly my heart was normal
ОтветитьDon't look at the bottom middle of his back there's more lines other than those three scratches they're going vertic they're going crosswise not up and down right an angle they go straight across his back from one side to the other dude look at them there's a lot of them
ОтветитьGive my prayers to jazz tell him I hope he's okay give my love to him too
ОтветитьHave you ever tried asking questions in your heads only, and still get the responses? I did and it is awesome
ОтветитьThe three scratches are Satan mocking the trinity!!!!!!! Very dangerous!
ОтветитьMaybe for future references, bring holy water just incase.
ОтветитьI love or videos
ОтветитьHey Moe Jasko Omargoshtv Tiffany and Angelo love your haunted 👻 videosxxx
ОтветитьReece Rogers you have the beginning with the
ОтветитьTheirs totally bad and evil, dark and demonic entities there be safe 🙏🙏🙏
ОтветитьThese ghosts really do not like any of u lol every other video yall get attacked or moe gets possessed.
ОтветитьHey guys
ОтветитьY'all are brave. Praying
ОтветитьTunnel is creepy
ОтветитьFreaky figure
ОтветитьVery intense
ОтветитьHe's need medical care. Praying
ОтветитьNeosporin. Dr will think you are crazy. Hurt by a evil spirit
ОтветитьY'all leave. White light of holy spirit surrounding y'all
ОтветитьThe spirit is telling them to leave and that there's a female there
ОтветитьThe spirit said Austin & him is Evil
ОтветитьWhy did Jasko and Omar run down the Hall
ОтветитьI just heard a faint little laugh like a child's giggle
ОтветитьSomeone brushed against Moe's Ankle while he was taking pictures in the hallway
ОтветитьThe K2 meter & Rampod is going crazy
ОтветитьThere's a dark figure behind the bed 🛏️
ОтветитьThere's footsteps happening near the wall
ОтветитьIt's me by the wall the spirit said on the box
ОтветитьThe spirit Devon said it's 6 or 7, A portal is down here it said
ОтветитьJasko got scratched so deep his back looks sore
ОтветитьStay Safe Moe, Jasko, Angelo, Omar, Tiphanie, I pray you all get out of that Haunted Asylum safely
ОтветитьThere was more going across his spine
ОтветитьGuys. Praying
ОтветитьGuys y'all need to leave. God be with y'all
Ответитьthe three scratches are the three marks of the Triad, it's very evil
Ответитьeither say the Our Father, The Lords Prayer or the Hail Mary , they will help you
ОтветитьLucifer morningstar, rose
ОтветитьKeep eyes open, and panel
Ответить👑🇨🇦 Moe sargi 👑🇺🇲 Jasko Vlogs
ОтветитьAs door open , opposite corner on floor , a hand/ foot : appeared , - disappeared ...
ОтветитьThat burning sensation at his back is that he's been scratch one at a time with a burning sensation he has given that kid Jazco.
ОтветитьSay a prayer for him please 🙏 ASAP. He needs all your moral 🙏 . God bless 😇 Jazco, and God bless 😇 you all . Good luck to your next adventure together. Until then.
ОтветитьThanks for putting your lives on the line for us guys
ОтветитьAm the Big of fan 1
I love you guys
Scared I'm so