Descent Of Gonads (Animation) : Physiology / USMLE Step 1

Descent Of Gonads (Animation) : Physiology / USMLE Step 1

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Descent of Gonads Physiology ⚕️

The descent of the gonads, a crucial event in human development, involves the migration of the testes or ovaries from their embryonic origin in the posterior abdominal wall to their final location in the scrotum or pelvis. For males, this process is guided by the gubernaculum, a fibrous cord that anchors the testes and shortens during development, pulling the testes through the inguinal canal into the scrotum. This descent is influenced by several factors, including the hormone testosterone, which plays a pivotal role in testicular descent. In females, the ovaries descend slightly into the pelvis, guided by the gubernaculum, which later forms the ovarian and round ligaments. Proper descent is essential for normal reproductive function, and failure of this process can lead to conditions such as cryptorchidism (undescended testes) or ectopic ovaries.

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