Soy is kind of a ridiculous debate to me, always has been. If you have to do a million studies to test "how much is this carcinogenic/estrogenic substance actually carcinogenic to humans" and have to use words such as negligible amounts, why are we even talking about it...? Just don't eat it, it doesn't matter how much it's carcinogenic lol
Ответитьas an enjoyer of Tofu, Eggs, milk and red meat im glad to to see all of them in this video 😂
ОтветитьEggs, meat and watermelon, Fuck my health!
ОтветитьThank You Talon ( me eating fried eggs and ev coco-cacao while watching. And occacionally enjoying popcorn made with coconut oil😛)🌼🏵🌺🌸🍀
ОтветитьI love eggs! Unfortunately, they hate my literal guts, and i get horribly sick any time i wat them 😭
ОтветитьEggs are the most affordable source of protein, hard boiled ones are especially good for you due to having satiaiting properties.
Ответитьdoes regular exercise counteract plaquing?
ОтветитьI don’t eat green eggs and ham.. am I cooked Sam? 😢😢😢
ОтветитьLong like beef!
ОтветитьI 100% eat lemon wedges. Every part of it besides the seeds
ОтветитьBro said potatoes deserve respect lol
ОтветитьI love coffee - it smells and tastes good, and it makes you feel good~
ОтветитьIn my high school health class, the instructor railed against eggs and red meat. Now we find that eggs and a reasonable amount of quality red meat are really good for you. This is why so many people are frustrated with dietary advice from so called "experts", myself included. The one thing that everyone agrees upon and has been so for almost 50 years is that sugar is the enemy. It's unanimous or nearly unanimous. I cut back 90-95% on sugar and my health improved greatly.
Ответитьgrass fed 🗿
ОтветитьI know it’s technically not a food but it would’ve been nice to add MSG as-well. The misinformation and fear mongering surrounding it is still very present even today. To my knowledge it’s not any worse for you than plain old table salt (as long as you don’t have a sensitivity to it ofc)
ОтветитьWatermelon is single handedly able to make you lose weight easily. You can have literally 1 kg of watermelon and you gonna be completely full and still don't take a big amount of calories.
It's basically one of the best snacks for the summer while being super tasty and refreshing. In fact, I do use watermelon to lose weight in summer without being hungry. The only downside is that is kinda expensive if you eat a lot of it.
I love red meat, and love to eat it when its available, though I wouldn't say its always a part of my diet. But I thought the connection between red meats and carcinogenic risk was well established by now?
ОтветитьA cup of milk gives me heartburn lol
Ответитьwait youre not supposed to eat a lemon raw
ОтветитьI love how you explain things and where your mentality is at. You don’t hate you just understand and dish out knowledge. Your content is golden !
ОтветитьMilk produccts, popcorn , soy are bad... but another are good
ОтветитьThe biggest issue with coffee is all of the additives that are put into it. The added sugar, etc is the real killer
ОтветитьI feel better about my occasional popcorn binges. The stuff I make at home is literally just whole grain popping corn, but I do add some butter and salt because that makes it taste better lol.
ОтветитьStudies show that I love your videos.
ОтветитьI would like too see you rank recipies or dishes.
ОтветитьI think it says more about the people 🙊
ОтветитьPopcorn is bad for me is because it provides no satiety, so I end up overeating it.
ОтветитьAir popped popcorn is the ultimate hack when it comes to snack foods. Super healthy and its all about what you put on it afterwards.
ОтветитьAfter failing on a low carb diet I gave up and figured I would commit suicide by carb and bought a sack of potatoes and a deep fryer. I ate as many fries as I could eat 3 times a day. I skipped on salt and covered them in curry powder as I like them that way. I figured I would get fat and die but I would die happy. Surprise! I lost a pound a day for 60 days. That’s when I discovered that eating close to the farm and far from the factory was more important than eating less carbs. Before this suicide by carb diet I was eating low carb microwaveable meals. I played video games and was always in minor pain. While on my French fry diet I got off my behind and started gardening and got chickens. I started to take a deeper dive into nutrition. I realize fries aren’t quite the whole food that baked potatoes are but they are better than factory foods from a box cooked in a microwave.
ОтветитьYou didn’t address at all how even moderate red meat consumption is strongly associated with many cancers…
ОтветитьCould you do a video on which foods best increase HDL? So much attention is given to foods that lower LDL, but they often neglect the part of the conversation on foods that boost HDL.
I despise eggs. I wish they weren't good for you. They're merely edible with runny yolk but any other way I legitimately gag.
ОтветитьLike how you admit that the red meat heads are far more sensitive of a group than the "soy boys" they love to try and bully
ОтветитьI wonder how we should measure and communicate the health effects of certain foods based on that food's' production and it's negative impact on our environment. If sleep and exercise is an important consideration when it comes to health, and people's lack of concern for those things invalidates their opinions on other health-related topics in your eyes, then what do all the studies and research tell you we should do about food production that heavily pollutes our planet and makes people sick and shortens people's life expectancy as compared to that food's positve effects via consumption?
ОтветитьHey talon I would love to see a video on the different types of eggs since chicken eggs are so expensive at the time of this comment
ОтветитьDang soy boy telling everyone to eat red meat, and go research their diner! 😁
ОтветитьI'm a big fan of using frozen vegetables. You get nearly all of the nutrients and taste of fresh vegetables for a fraction of the fraction of the price and at 10X the convenience. My teenage son will sometimes eat a bag of frozen vegetables as an in between meal stack. Throw it in the microwave and in 5-6 minutes you have freshly steamed green beans. To do the same thing with fresh would take 30+ minutes including 10+ minutes of prep work. He would never do that.
ОтветитьThis vid was great, eggs are basically One of the best food on earth, byologic valute Is 100 vs 69 of beef.
1) The Cholesterol issue Is a no issue.
Only 20% at max of cholesterol comes from food , but u Need to eat bad to reach that, so 80-90% of It comes from body itself
2) only thing that matters Is Total cholesterol/ HDL ratio.
Cholesterol itself Is not Dangerous, High ratio Is
So having" High" Cholesterol Is Dangerous ONLY IF HDL Is low at same
3 the best way to increase HDL Is sport
4 people dont doing sport, drinkin alchol smoking, ( full of stress and bad sleep even) and so on cant ever talk about as u said
5 again cholesterol Is not ever a issue for a healthy guy, all the food with High levels of LDL have lot of calories, with and Low calorie diet and some (3 hours per week aerobic at least) sport problem doesnt exist.
6 people with High colesterol ratio should avoid food with lot of LDL, but not be cause the food Is bad, be cause they are fat and dont move 😂, its only a temporary suggestion in meanwhike they change habits. Butter Is not a issue for example, cause nobody eat a lot of butter if follows a right diet, and do sport increasing HDL😂
Gonna disagree with the tomatoes. Eat those like apples sometimes. Tho usually with olive oil, basil, and S&P
ОтветитьI massively respect your videos and the effort you put into them. You can definitely tell that you have a formal education in what you’re presenting. However, it looks like you’re operating under a couple of big blindspots. Firstly, in all your videos, you severely underappreciated the danger of a high sodium diet. It is inextricably linked with hypertension, which is a major risk factor for most diseases that people die of nowadays. Secondly, and the reason I was finally motivated to leave a comment, is that neglected to mention that red meat has been proven to be carcinogenic, even with the most healthy preparation methods. That said I wouldn’t mind if you prove me wrong, because I love both of these. We all do.
Ответитьyeah or sugary fruits. why can i not eat a mango in reasonalble amounts
ОтветитьTo me if a food is used initially to support the offspring of an organism then it’s probably a superfood.
So fowl eggs, seeds, nuts, fish roe, & animal milks are superfoods to me.
& then there’s meat, the ultra-food. Meat can be easily over consumed but I think it’s way too demonized for being a very bioavailable source of protein, minerals, & vitamins.
Many herbivores are facultative for this reason.
Nothing about red meat and its associated cancer risk?