I have a lot of unknow gas being violently ejected from my black hole too, this as well is a bit of a mystery.
ОтветитьIt's an electric universe.
ОтветитьPlasmoid ... Not a Black Hole
ОтветитьHow much red shift would visible light experience in climbing away from Sagitarius A?
ОтветитьTrying to imagine these giant galactic sized MRI machines is a ton of fun and mind boggling. The one video, did I hear 100kTesla? If 3Tesla gets beautiful images of the human body, imagine 100kTesla! We could images the entire universe.
ОтветитьInteresting but not unexpected
ОтветитьThis could be an explanation to "snowball" Earth ?.
ОтветитьElectric universe people are yelling at their screens telling you they’ve been ahead of the game for years.
ОтветитьMy IQ increases 5 percent every time i watch one of Antons videos
ОтветитьHey, Anton! Could you please cover the news about asteroid Bennu?
ОтветитьYour thumbnails are really creepy.
Ответитьtbh.... we dont even know if there is a black hole in the centre of the galaxy...... we definitely cant see it...... so i find this video hard to believe..... full of shite
ОтветитьBoooooo tomato tomato
ОтветитьGreat video but tomatoes booooooo
ОтветитьHot take: Black holes are sentient and the magnetic fields are their arms to manipulate space around them!
ОтветитьWe only seen it now, but when this event actually happened?
ОтветитьTime... Still not accounting for time pressure on extremely dense matter to move forward into greater states of entropy through the time dimension. To sum it up in short any density of matter great enough to bend time will feel the pressure of time to move forward into the future i.e. the now of the extent that time has currently expanded
ОтветитьMagnetic Links no comparison to "The Missing Link!"
ОтветитьThis channel & P.B.S. are about the ONLY TWO I trust for LEGIT astronomy, especially with all the BOGUS ones youboob promotes with FAKE James Webb images of "alien civilizations" while hiding REAL news! I'm only posting and thumbs upping to fight back against this site's corrupt algorythm
Ответитьhow does this aperture synthesis work? thats some powerful compute.
ОтветитьWhahaha👀 tolt us soo he for years in so manny sharings 😍
Pull Draged along in to
Less pull the go there draged along expand and inpands in to thentional diverentional displasmands in to the polarial graventational countering 😍 simular as we dit to manivest the fields of the brain skull and so🌹
Go look to our last sharing😍🤣🤣🤣
How the copasety of the jupitarian troyans as resistance lowers thention between itself and Mars towart lower kuperpull thention on mars towart lowering thentional pull on mars lower the copasetys of mars graventational countering inbetween mars and eurth lowering the aditional lesser less thentional behavieures between mars and eurth to defuse towart kuiperpull thention for eurth ring to release more and exetelerated potentional😍🤣🤣🤣 you see simular behavieures in the directional space in your imige plasmafilemental coherence 😍
Like a photonic timecristal and radio active elements😂
I have to go sorry mabey later i come back to make a new video😍
O jes olso look to the lightning phili and how there we see without seeing the same behavieures as you see over there❤
You are describing the charactsristic elements and behavioral phenomena of a plasmoid.
ОтветитьTace a look in the sharings wat we heve deglacted with pressure and princeble fieldflow there graventational countering of the shaped plasmafilemental and how the manivest ciclesematics inbetween tham 😍
ОтветитьI guess a SMBH, an accretion disc no matter how small or big and a magnetic field is inevitable...
It's a WOW Anton, thank you.
Blackholes don't exist, according to Albert Einstein.... I love pretending they do though, a singularity actually existing is fascinating and mind blowing, love this channel!!!
ОтветитьHot gas... 🙄 Don't be afraid of the word "plasma"!
ОтветитьI ate some frozen burritos later in the evening and later that night I had violent eruption of gas and in the morning.
ОтветитьBlack hole emissions? I was assured that nothing escapes a black hole, which is it? Just kidding, you don’t know.
ОтветитьLet's face it - Sagittarius A* is alive and has tentacles. 🤐
ОтветитьWooo!! Go science!!!
ОтветитьI knew it, the maths say emw go through 5d
ОтветитьThere are some old illustrations of the supposed inhabitants of the various heavenly bodies, including the sun. Some talented artist should do an illustration of the inhabitants of Sagittarius A* and the strange world they live in/on.
ОтветитьHow long before andromeda pulls the gas from our galaxy?
ОтветитьThis may be a good way to map the spacetime distortion around a black hole if it is deformations in the spacetime surrounding it that's causing the changes observed in the magnetic field.
ОтветитьAight, I like how reasonably priced your merch is. I'mma have to bite sometime soon.
ОтветитьWe knew this many years ago. Looks like the EU is comming back.
ОтветитьI'm hearing Electric Universe all over the place. Can mainstream science give a little credit?
Ответить„Dieser Fall hat mich wirklich betroffen. 😢💔“
ОтветитьLooks like someone needs lots of power or something? Interesting that side effects of galaxy churning events give lots of power.
ОтветитьMakes me wonder that if we had more visual clarity if it would look like the chaotic swirls we see with something like cream being mixed into coffee, or inks and paints mixing with a chaotic flow. I tend to think "everything" has flows like this - including things like high energy particles across large areas, magnetic fields, gas and dust clouds, we are just unable to observe the structures in high enough fidelity to see. The universe looks dark but it's a constant infinitely complex chaotic motion of matter and electromagnetism interacting. We are living in a giant slow motion (to our scale) explosion of energy, at least that's what it seems like
ОтветитьAs usual, just more support to the reality of the big bang being galaxies and not everything!!!( but for the last 40 years i am still wrong)
ОтветитьGet a dictionary, look up "hole". Its means nothing is there. NOTHING.
Bite your tongue to stop it from lying long enough to recalibrate your bullshit.