Cascade - "Roads, roads" / Каскад - "Дороги,дороги" (Soviets in Afghanistan Song)

Cascade - "Roads, roads" / Каскад - "Дороги,дороги" (Soviets in Afghanistan Song)


55 лет назад

57,339 Просмотров


"Cascade", started off as "VIA “Tankist” (1981-1983) under the leadership of Alexander Malyutin. Only when in 1983 Andrei Sukhov came to replace the conductor, the group got its legendary name. "Cascade" was born and was stationed in Afghanistan in Bagram city (Parwan province), where the 108th Nevel motorized rifle division was stationed. The composition of the group changed several times due to the fact that the participants were conscripts. After the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, the Group was reunited in various cities of the former USSR. The most famous instance is when they reunited in 1991 in Yaroslavl by the same Andrey Sukhov, and in 2000 in Mogilev by Yuri Streltsov.


The road is cut out in the rock like a needle,
Trucks roam over the abyss,
We have to get through, they wait for us on the other side,
Let our blood chill in veins, mines under tires,
The road is in flames...

You, raven, don't waste your time flying over us,
None of ours will be lying dead here :
Friends don't abandon friends in a battle,
A friend will forget about himself when he makes a choice,
This is the only way to act in a battle...

Earth shattered from shell explosions,
Rocks fell from mountains in an avalanche,
They will not tell the story, keeping silent,
How here, over Kunar River,
From mujahiddin bullets
My friends protected me...

Roads, roads, road calluses,
Skeletons of trucks that did not make it,
And battle wounds covered with dust,
Let them rise into the skies,
Let mines and rockets,
Roads call me again...


"Предтечей" «Каскада» являлся ВИА «Танкист» (1981-1983 гг.) под руководством Александра Малютина. Лишь когда в 1983 году на замену дирижером пришел Андрей Сухов, ансамбль был переименован и получил свое легендарное название.

Группа «Каскад» (а как уже писалось выше, вначале группа «Танкист») родилась и дислоцировалась в Афганистане в г.Баграме (провинция Парван), где стояла 108-я Невельская мотострелковая дивизия. Состав коллектива неоднократно менялся в силу того, что участниками являлись военнослужащие срочной службы. После вывода войск из Афганистана коллектив был воссоздан в различных городах бывшего СССР. Самыми известными из них являются группа «Каскад», воссозданная в 1991 году в Ярославле все тем же Андреем Суховым, и группа «Каскад», воссозданная в 2000 году в Могилеве Юрием Стрельцовым.


Иголкой дорога пробита в скале,
Над пропастью взвились машины,
Нам надо пройти, ждут на той стороне,
Пусть кровь в жилах стынет, под шинами мины,
Дорога пылает в огне…

Ты, ворон, не вейся над нами зазря,
Убитых здесь наших не будет :
В бою не оставят друг друга друзья,
Друг в выборе судеб себя позабудет,
Иначе в бою и нельзя…

От взрывов снарядов дрожала земля,
С гор падали камни обвалом,
Они не расскажут, молчанье храня,
Как здесь, над Кунаром,
От пули душманов
Друзья прикрывали меня…

Дороги, дороги, мозоли дорог,
Машин недошедших скелеты,
Та пылью укрытые раны боев,
Пусть в небо воздеты, Пусть мины, ракеты,
Дороги зовут меня вновь…
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@sean-ji2gu - 22.10.2018 03:10

extra epic

@scudman7 - 13.12.2019 05:08

Thanks for the recommendation...War Aesthetics!!

@sweatyswinger8818 - 20.05.2020 00:15

That soviet cat tho

@nogoodnames8612 - 03.09.2020 01:03

took me 1 hour to find the songs name, and then a video

@Skeletor5729 - 24.09.2020 10:53

Extra ordinary

@RonnieRonnie3697 - 15.11.2020 15:08

Well this is going on the list of my beloved Soviet-Afghan War songs behind Gruppa Krovi and Swallowing Dust

@Enygma293 - 17.02.2021 13:07

Just discovered this gem and I love it True 80s soviet vibes

@BigBoss-sm9xj - 17.02.2021 22:49

Love the look!

@mrkrabber5319 - 27.03.2021 01:58

I can't explain why but that cat looks like Joe Biden

@MH4127-d2e - 31.10.2021 23:40

This is seriously underrated

@Isaac-ug4oi - 04.11.2021 21:54

Is this on Spotify?

@jeeeyouuu1053 - 05.11.2021 17:13

Hey I was doing a project for NHD (National History Day) I was thinking of doing Operation Storm-333 and it’s effects on the modern war I was thinking of using some videos in my project is it okay if I use this one (I will mention you and the song in my sources)

@kelvin5005 - 16.11.2021 09:59

i like that this isnt remastered

@keijo8238 - 26.05.2022 15:53

The beginning is actually "полкой дорога пробита в скале" and means "the road is cut out in the rock like a shelf"

@7.62totheskull - 09.07.2023 04:34

this song, its amazing

@thatsbruh5534 - 09.11.2023 06:50

Anime opening for soviet-afgha is fire 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥

@विनितकुमार-य5ढ - 11.04.2024 16:16

This along with if you want to eat jam and automobile are one of tye classics excluding the popular ones like swallowing dust, we leaving and anything kino

This song is as majestic as i first heard it

@Barmsluha - 17.04.2024 21:49

This cat truly vibing in this mountains

@c15a - 01.06.2024 20:08

nice of you to actually translate каскад, people think its just a band called kaskad, but no. cascade, a small waterfall or overflow.

@c15a - 04.06.2024 06:40

i like the subtitle style, and im happy to be seeing exclusively relevant logistics footage. Great video i'd like this twice if possible.

@AlfonsKurwobijca - 15.06.2024 00:25

this version is awesome

@nickdempsey211 - 11.07.2024 23:06

The funkiest war boogie out there 🕺

@TheGeorgianWojak - 23.10.2024 19:10

love to Russia and all post soviet states from georgia

@DoomerPlays91 - 12.12.2024 04:59

listening to this while playing Roblox 🪖

@Mark3O5 - 06.01.2025 19:27

Anyway I can get this for a animation? I'm working on a animation with this song and based off the lyrics its how it will go, is it okay if I can get the file. I'm having trouble finding it if its okay

@Ifawartburg_fan - 04.02.2025 00:52

This songs perfect for doing history homework late at night

@chancellorpuddinghead - 11.02.2025 13:17

do we know who sang this specific song? i couldnt find it anywhere online, help a sister out

@Ratmir-x6p - 22.02.2025 21:29

Песня весёлая на слух, а смысл и текст...
