Dataguard architecture || 19c Data Guard Basic Understanding? – Oracle Dataguard - 1

Dataguard architecture || 19c Data Guard Basic Understanding? – Oracle Dataguard - 1

Vismo Technologies

4 года назад

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@SK-lu9wk - 19.06.2020 02:23

Explaination of basic in a way of unique :) good one.

@bharathkumar-ds8cd - 18.07.2020 04:51

Hi, one interview question,how to increase log applying to avoid delay. I checked google, 1. Increase mrp parallisum 2. Rman>configure archivelog deletion policy to applied on standby. Is there any other way. Please explain

@mukidkhan952 - 31.08.2020 22:35

Super session

@hariprakash7071 - 20.02.2021 06:47

For first question scenario 1 is archives at prod site gets deleted after backing up immediately by rman before waiting for log shipping to standby site .
Scenario 2 there may be a space crunch on standby site at arch dest

For second question one solution is to trigger archive log backup immediately to clear some space in arch dest
Thanks for sharing your knowledge , it's clear to understand your videos

@BalvinderSingh-uh3my - 20.06.2021 20:30

Great video have you created part 2? I could not see it on your channel many thanks.

@dot7605 - 27.06.2021 11:43

Nice,is it possible if you can upload second part.

@devilsgaming5915 - 10.07.2021 20:09

Hi sir,
Can we able to see the standby log sequence Of standby database from primary database

@eswar6311 - 01.12.2021 14:13

Tnq so mallik for covered each nd evey details Eswar from vizag

@kamalkannan164 - 01.01.2022 17:08

Hi Mallik, This is really very good demo of DG we have refreshed once, Can you please share the document link , I could not see the doc.

@priyaachilukuri7940 - 21.02.2022 11:08

The way you explain the content is amazing👏... But the audio is too low and sometimes not even herd... Kindly increase the volume for videos

@sreeramya177 - 01.11.2022 17:46

Mallik Sir,
Can you provide second part also... i have searched in ur vedios i didn't seen. Please provide second part link for my sake.
Thanks alot for ur wonderful knowledge sharing..............hats off from all of our oracle dba's........

@sreeramya177 - 03.11.2022 05:14

we need to change archive location when it is full.

@nadunsamarasinghe5592 - 07.12.2022 16:46

Answer for Q2:
Adding proper Archived log deletion polices in both Primary and Standby Instances by considering approach whether shifting or applying.
Deleting applied archived logs from standby site after querying sequences order tread wise (if the primary is RAC) respectively.

@diptasaha6131 - 06.03.2023 13:38

Great Video to clear the basic idea & architecture of Oracle Dataguard

@shobhitgargust6277 - 08.04.2023 23:30

2nd part?

@user-xh9kd2yk1e - 27.06.2023 05:40

Standby sync may fail due network issue connection, in some cases archive files are missed to copy to standby side because of logfile miss or dropped unexpected.

@venkireddy2246 - 10.09.2023 13:20

Second part missing please upload 2part

@raviy10 - 20.11.2023 08:36

Thank you !! Very detailed and Easy to follow

@akhilchintu6938 - 18.02.2025 08:13

Can you share the notes?
