i assumed the message, by the end with showing the audience is... "you just watched this movie. you sat through the whole thing, every frame and every line of dialogue, and you probably enjoyed it. he was terrible and he lied and cheated and robbed people, but man you had a lot of fun watching him do it though."
ОтветитьYeah, the media literacy crisis is REAL.
ОтветитьYeah bro edit out that “baddest mfer” bit. You’ve been told how you misinterpreted it and its still present in the video. I dont know if you’re just lazy or what but it seriously does ruin an otherwise decent video
ОтветитьHe didn’t spend enough time with the victims or with his wife
He made him look like someone you wanted to be
'Be part of my first 10k subscribers'
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Youre doing good brother 👍
Fantastic video, needs a bit more mixing / mastering with music and transition volumes to make things more audible. But great work mate!
ОтветитьFuck the clients
Ответитьyou said a whole bunch of... nothing
ОтветитьI can’t remember where I heard it but someone said “Scorsese makes it clear how much he hates/people should hate the characters in Wolf, unlike his mob movies, where Scorsese at least shows a degree of humanity (probably cause he grew up in the mob era) to even the most “evil” characters”.
This movie came a few years after the banks and stock market sent the world into the 2008 financial crisis, Marty sees no redeeming qualities in that entire business. I think that’s why Jordan is only somewhat likable is when he’s sober/out of the madness.
Great cinematic content!
ОтветитьIt's not misinterpreted, it is interpreted differently than (perhaps) Scorsese intended. Such is art.
ОтветитьNo one misinterpreted harder then OP and the tight assed speakers in this trash video
ОтветитьWait el carbon ahora hace videos en ingles? :0
ОтветитьMy second job is retail investor and It really pissed me off when some colleagues invited me to the Jordan Belfort conference when he was at my city, it is literally everything I'm against to in the finance world
ОтветитьIt's not that audiences miss interpret the movies, it's just that they don't care..
ОтветитьI worked at this place. My first job as a stockbroker. I learned how to sell thats for sure. This movie made Jordan a hero to people who never stopped to think if he actually adapted and had a room full of talented salespeople start buying good companies, he'd have built a beast of a firm. I can't blame the movie though, its meant to entertain
ОтветитьFun Fact: The movie was mostly funded by a scammer (Jho Low) who took the money from the malaysian enviroment fund and was referenced in the credits.
ОтветитьThat scene crawling to his car gives me so much anxiety lol
ОтветитьAhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Gawlffffffunnnnn, F Byyyyyyyyyyyy
Ответитьother title "you thought on your own for too long this is what YOU are SUPPOSE to think"
Ответитьwhats the click batty thumbnail
ОтветитьOr as Tolkien, Lynch, Shakespeare, and all the good writers would say, "When an author is allowed to interpret art for you."
This is the kind of video nobody is going to tell you to take down, but you really, really should.
Fuck this movie tho.
ОтветитьExcellent critical analysis. This movie is so interesting, because in the lenses of such a polarising character, is it glorifying the story of simply a past glistening Tate (if you'll pardon my rather vulgar pun), or is it sharing a deeper story of how the glitz and glamour isn't all that it's cracked up to be. Further still, can it be just a hella' good time, and still be wrong thing to do? Who is it who actually decides what's the wrong thing to do anyway?
ОтветитьI think Scorsese might have trouble admitting that he subconsciously glamorizing these characters
ОтветитьI just watched American History X again, and recognize the actor for Seth plays the Sea Otter, just from his voice. Dude has lost so much weight.
Ответитьeasy answer, if you think jordan belfort is "a chad" or you love walter white you are retard and there are a lot of retards
ОтветитьThe car scene is beautiful because it mirrors how someone who is fucked up thinks they are behaving vs. how they are actually behaving. Jordan thinks he drives home okay and in reality, he has completely crashed the car into a bunch of things.
ОтветитьThis movie was deeply misinterpreted. Because it broke the one rule of every single rags to riches Wall Street film ever made. There was no real moment of accountability by the protagonist. There was no reckoning. And thank God there wasn’t. I think we’re past needing to be told who is bad and who is good in a movie. We’re past having to learn a lesson. But this film does abhor It’s characters and it makes it very clear. Where it does do close-ups a lot is on everyone’s faces everyone’s deliberately ugly faces in slow motion as the dorks and rejects and idiots. They are running their scams along with Jordan. The film is repulsed by them Scorsese is trying to show us one long film of ugliness disguised as beauty centering around greed. What Thelma Schumacher says about that scene with the girls head is getting shaved is absolute. If you can’t tell the awfulness that’s occurring by that scene then what else can she do.
Multiple people at the screening for this at the fucking Academy lost it and yelled at the screen, they were so angry because they couldnt see that the film was about morality, by never letting up and never showing any kind of morality once. And a lot of people couldn’t see that. But I think a lot more people could and that that’s what matters.
It’s a film about awful shitty people doing awful shitty things and there’s not one moment that shows how ugly things are-the entire movie is one long, beautiful, amazing landmark story of people at their worst.
Or the end of the movie with a sea of faces thinking how they could sell him this pen, aren't bad people, they just want to be successful too. So maybe the point isnt that Jordan is a bad guy, just that he is an extreme example of what capitalism can do to us. They are not bad people, they are just sheep not consciously wanting to be wolves, they just don't want to be sheep.
ОтветитьI think its the same if you complain that the people in goodfellas are bad yeah its the point jordan bellford is an awful person.
ОтветитьHonestly feels like this movie tries to prove its point by not trying, explicitly. You could crusade to convince the whole world and spell it out in plain letter, but you'll never be able to convince everyone. Much like Jordan Belfort, people can say that lifestyle is bad and not constructive, but if the opportunity were provided, would you decline? I feel as though i could, but that could also be a lie I've told myself. As much as it's fought, greed, to some extent or degree is within everyone. this movie is a mirror, not an image.
ОтветитьBelfort is a giant dbag. Calling him a genius is everything that's wrong with our country. Lying and manipulating are character flaws. Persuasion(lying) to get what you want is psycho.
ОтветитьI'll never forget a colleague in college in around 2016 unironically telling me he was inspired to go into finance because of The Wolf of Wall Street. I was just like buddy... I don't think you understood the point of that movie, haha. Predictably enough he was a total degenerate and dropped out about 2 years later from drug and alcohol problems.
ОтветитьPeople just love con artists. I don't understand it but they do. As if being a liar and tricking people out of their money is some kind of special skill.
ОтветитьThe guy lied through his teeth with a smile. Very simple.
ОтветитьMy all time favorite film
ОтветитьAll I know is, this movie is one of the greatest of all time.
ОтветитьWhat a fcukin pointless video.
ОтветитьOnce again, our society elevates the lowest, the worst, and the douchiest.
ОтветитьDo you not realize that the ‘Baddest M Phukker’ is used as a compliment in the movie??? Oof
ОтветитьYour thumbnail has nothing to do with the video.
Ответитьenter the void mentioned 🗣
ОтветитьRegarding the 'baddest mf' thing: English isn't my first language. I don't usually make these mistakes, but I think this time it tripped me up 🥲