Regardless of all the inaccuracy, wrist watches and machine guns. Point is, for hundreds and hundreds of years People have defended there Home Land but in today's Time, People in the West just GIVE it away and they cheer about it. The West has reached it's weakest Time and lowest Intelligence in History .That is the Truth and YOU are all part of it. Cheer and drop a Bar of Soap with joy, that just who you are.
ОтветитьWell, it's indeed one of the finest victories in defending Christianity and Europe but you should respect the historical facts more. since at that time, the name of the fortress was Nándorfehérvár and not Belgrade. Moreover, you should emphasize that while the heroic defenders led by John Hunyadi, John of Capistrano, John Kórógyi, and Mihály Szilágyi managed to fend off the mighty Ottoman army the Serb leader, George Brankovic didn't join the fight against the Muslims.
ОтветитьInsane pictures featured in your video show not only soldiers with modern assault rifles but worse yet, cannon balls floating on top of the water around their boats. Are you just kidding?
ОтветитьTo: Thrilling True Stories channel: Is this supposed to be about brave Christian Knights in the mid 1400's or is it some Hollyweirdo pretty boys at the Academy of he-shes and gender-benders and R&R bands and hippies that model for the covers of "Romance Novels"?!? Real men have facial hair! Redo this horrible video!
ОтветитьThe AI pictures are so wrong!
ОтветитьISLAMIC empires have always been envading other countries since history
ОтветитьYour insanely jumpy illlustrations sorely detract from any continuity your audio seeks to establish.
ОтветитьWhatever the other inaccuracies, was the West saved from the evil cult of Islam by so few?
ОтветитьSeveral amusing pictures, one with a car in it, soldiers holding assault rifles, the man in the meeting at the end wearing a suit and tie from the 20th century, and so on. Poorly done and such a good story that deserves much better techniques.
ОтветитьI did not know AK47's were around in 1456. Or modern military helments and uniforms for that matter. I reckon the odd Sherman tank even made an appearance.
ОтветитьAi pics suck big time.
Ответитьim so tired of these AI generated stories and graphics. The only silver lining i see in this is that it might make a viewer curious enough to research the actual battles through channels like History Marche, Kings and Generals and their history channel partners. So many good military battle channels here on YT. sadly more of these hastily created AI garbage channels just using computer generated voices, script, and graphics, also not getting a historian to proof read the scripts will just increase as every small agency in china or India start copying this model.
ОтветитьAll the 300 Knights are superhumans.
ОтветитьNot my area of interest but this is not accurate.
Ответить300 knights.. come on, sounds like propaganda to me !
ОтветитьSoldiers with WW2 army helmets? Background figures with eyeglasses and sunglasses??😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьOk, ok, THERE'S variations of wrong date's and weights of cannon stone ball's YET THE BASICS ARE FAST AND TRUE...
Thom in Scotland.
Get to the damn point.
ОтветитьMostly fantasy. The Ottoman army was around 60-70,000. 40,000 would be weak by medieval standards. The castle defenders numbered around 5,000, and the mixed peasant/knight army across the river was 40-50,000 strong. The interesting part is that when the peasant army spontaneously left the shelter of the castle to attack the somewhat disorganized Ottomans, John of Capistrano tried to order them back inside. Failing this, he joined them in the attack, while Hunyadi's simultaneously charged from the castle gates, capturing the Ottoman artillery. Far from fleeing the fight, Mehmed refused to leave, leading his own men in a counterattack which strengthened the Ottoman resolve, preventing a panicked retreat. The description fo the naval battle is more or less accurate. The videographers here must have confused Belgrade with Thermopylae, where the defenders came to around 300; not counting the 700 Thespians who also fought the rearguard battle but are largely ignored because who cares about a bunch of wimpy actors? ("Thespian is a fancy word for actor. Since this word is related to Thespis, the guy who first took the stage in Ancient Greece, you can feel real scholarly using the word thespian. As an adjective, you can use the word thespian to describe something that is related to drama.") Truthfully, though, the fight was pretty dramatic.
ОтветитьWell, this history lesson was interesting 🤔. But do someone knows the military achievements of Portugal in his past history. Surely very few people. The credo of our Armed forces was and atill is the same. We might be few, but we're worth like many. My profile picture is showing one of the most notable Knight, of the whole world 🌎.
His name is Duarte Pacheco Pereira. And over Wikipedia, there's an article showing what for things he did. Example with only 360 men he defend our first settlement in India. Diu, against one big army. Who was including several kingdoms, off India. The number off the enemies should be 10.000-20.000.
Portugal wins 1:0.
Next big battlefield is older. 1384 in Aljubarrota Portugal. Our army was composed by 7000 Portuguese soldiers and 500 English chestbow soldiers. Our army was divided in several tactical weapons. Infantry and cavalry, and bowmen. They were posted in one quadrat format. The defendor of Portugal, choosed this special place. To encounter the brute force of the Spanish Heavy Iron Cavalry. When Spanish arrived they could only move forward or backward. Cut its was a valley. We decimated them so strongly, they give up.
Next Battle was one the See. The final battle to pull us out of India. Again Diu. Francisco De Almeida was the Admiral of our fleet of 14 vessels. Several big carracks, with several tinier Caravelas. The Others appeared with 150 ships. Our officer has to invent a special maneuver. So the entry was only a small port. Who let pass only one bigger ship ⚓ 🚢. Our Admiral left the portuguese Armada inside this port. But when the first entered the gate, he ordered the canonieers to put double tge gun powder as usual in the canons. The iron balls comes with such a speed and brute force, that they trespassed the whole vessels. They couldn't enter this port any more, cuz the entrance has obstacles of several half sunk ships. Battle won 2:0, no 3:0 till yet for Portugal. This were only 3 stories of our military achievements.
Maybe 🤔 I would open my own channel to explain all this and much more incredible things, which this tiny but mighty country has to offer. I mean another achievements in ship ⚓🚢 building for example. In the past the sailing ships
Mehmed had stolen the Roman organisation, management, administration and military and was using it against Europe. With stolen Roman money, he paid Europeans to help him conquer them! lol
ОтветитьGood lawd, did no one spend any time editing the AI?
ОтветитьAn absolute garbage video. The inaccuracies are beyond counting. Not worth watching.
ОтветитьSo cutting to the chase, the victor is historical record and the victor was????????????
ОтветитьBelgrade is in Serbia not Hungary.
ОтветитьToo bad Jesus is the KING OF KINGS
ОтветитьThis video is rather sketchy, the CGI disply at some point people with eyeglasse, watches, and revolvers, in a scene there`s a radiator and in one scene there`s a car showing, what the editor was thinking ? 😂
ОтветитьModern helmets and guns, US stars, wristwatch... I do not believe a word of the whole story! Does anyone know, how many soldiers REALLY defended Belgrad? And where they came from?
ОтветитьThrilling true stories- The Celtic 300 fighting but losing against massive Saxon army.
ОтветитьA full moon? Get your shit straight.
ОтветитьAnd automobiles!
ОтветитьWhite men can fight
ОтветитьMen will always admire courage, but how grand it will be when the inspired words found in the Bible Book of Micah are realized. "They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, nor will they learn war anymore. They will sit, each one under his vine and under his fig tree, and no one will make them afraid, for the very mouth of Jehovah of armies has spoken." Micah 4:3,4
ОтветитьOnward Christian Soldiers!
ОтветитьCan we find some way to remove all of this AI generated slop? All of the art is disturbing due to its AI generation already, but I often run video essays in the background while doing other things. Nevertheless, when this video's AI narrator talks about how "the summer air carried the faint sound of drones" approaching Belgrade in 1456 AD, I immediately stopped listening. Totally worthless.
Ответитьthis was just SUCH a low effort video, cant even like it... like for real do better man, everything in this video is just so low effort
ОтветитьAI Generated, completely false presentation. Starts with lie about composition and strength of garrison of Belgrade under Mihály Szilágyi = channel blocked.
ОтветитьThe Siege of Belgrade was nothing short of a miracle. A tiny force of 300 knights took on 40,000 of the Ottoman Empire’s best warriors, and somehow, they won. This isn’t just a battle; it’s a testament to what sheer determination and strategy can accomplish
ОтветитьI think this is a poor effort. It deliberately exaggerates the numerical inferiority of the defenders. The Wikipedia article details the composition of Hunyadi's forces: 5,000 of them were professional soldiers, mercenaries that he'd hired. In total his army was in the vicinity of 25,000 - 30,000. Of these perhaps 18,000 were poorly armed peasants. These facts were ignored, perhaps to make Hunyadi's victory appear miraculous.
ОтветитьAI legolased Sultan Mehmet.
ОтветитьNow IF you want know the real numbers engaged in the battle I could recommend READING Tarján, Tamás. "A nándorfehérvári diadal" ( preferably translated from Hungarian) or Stanford J. Shaw "Empire of the Gazis: The Rise and Decline of the Ottoman Empire 1280–1808" ( Volume 1 of "History of the Ottoman Empire and modern Turkey") or Stephen Turnbull's "Wojny złotego wieku. Od upadku Konstantynopola do wojny trzydziestoletniej" (this one is in Polish obviously).
Those books, or rather sources from the era presented in them, clearly state that the garrison under Mihály Szilágyi was strengthened by 5000 mercenaries so counting maybe 1000-2000 local men could be consisting of 6000-7000 men (mostly NOT knights).
Relief force, which BTW arrived in Belgrade AFTER the Ottoman army and crossed the Danube mostly unopposed by the enemy delivering supplies to the town, under John Hunyadi counted his own army of 10 -12 thousands professional cavalry (with over 1000 nobles, so knights) and 30 thousands crusaders under Capistrano. With peasants from southern Hungary the relief army counted 50 000 men, maybe a bit more.
Only a complete ignorant would believe in "300 Knights". A person with a bit of knowledge of how to use a computer could find the real numbers with ease on the Internet. Meaning that people who promote this channel are a proof that western civilization is failing.
Islam had only been in existance since the 7th century, making it 8 centuries between this time and the siege of Belgrade, and not 14 cenuturies as stated in video.
ОтветитьThank GOD for good strong men. Imagine if Europe had become a Muslim sh*thole slave state?
ОтветитьTotal f** BS. More like 50000 vs 75000 soldiers. Sounds like AI wrote this.