The ENTIRE Lore of Elden Ring in Order (Complete Timeline Recap before Shadow of the Erdtree)

The ENTIRE Lore of Elden Ring in Order (Complete Timeline Recap before Shadow of the Erdtree)


8 месяцев назад

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@joshuawinters7745 - 02.08.2024 00:11

Honestly I'm amazed. I'm trying to write an Elden Ring book and I want it to be as lore accurate as possible. I haven't watched the full video but this is definitely going to help out a lot. Massive respect to you for putting this together. 5 and a half hours watch time on our end, I can only imagine the amount of work you put into making these as accurate as you can. keep it up man !!

@CeaselessWatcher01 - 03.08.2024 10:20

That Age of Mythology music was such a jump scare for some reason

@lakentolley475 - 03.08.2024 21:57

Anyone else notice the hades soundtrack

@scotcheggable - 05.08.2024 19:38

I thibk marika and radagon split when she was an empyrean, then marika became a god, then they merged again.

@silentchips1379 - 07.08.2024 08:46

Start off with hollow knight music? Peak music, peak topic, peak video

@JellyBeanBros777 - 07.08.2024 13:55

I don’t know that much about Elden ring lore besides what I’ve seen In this video and what I’ve seen so far in my play through (just got to the mountaintop of giants) could the frenzy flame burn the erd tree down?

@Martedamm - 08.08.2024 15:25

The titans definitely didn't build Rauh ruins, neither their black stone version in the base game nor those in the DLC. And neither the divine towers. That's just a baseless dumb assumption. The titans were inconceivably big, them crafting rauh ruins or divine towers would be akin to prehistoric humans only crafting miniature doll houses as the entire legacy of their civilization. Fire giant forge likewise sits at top of rauh ruins, but the "pot" itself has some unique designs, so there's slight possibility it was added later.

@Martedamm - 08.08.2024 16:19

1. The description of bestial eye said it's actually Maliketh's eye in the pre-release version of the game, so that ties both Blaidd and him.
2. Instead of the "Shadow of THE empyrean", the original japanese text translates more directly to shadow of empyreans/gods, so not some sinuglar empyrean.
3. You completely made up all the god of time stuff, and I really enjoy it, but there should be at least some minimal boundary when making lore theories. I could make up shit about lionell's armor being created by a god of armor who was fat like buddha and it would have the same amount of credibility. But to disprove it more directly, we know Placi was elden lord, whichs means being a consort to a god who is the vessel for elden ring. This Marika-like figure left Placi at one point and he waited for her/him eternally. As we see in FA, the ancient dragon society was heavily based on the elden ring and greater will, and patch 1.0 cinqueneda description even tells us it was the greater will who granted intelligence to beasts. Where is the place in there for some "god of time"/god of many faces GoT ripoff. We could make up 20 new gods based on zero evidence, but it's not the best approach when actually wanting to present the game's lore to someone.
4. Why the hell would Marika spread misinformation about GeQ, her literal enemy, being chose by the fingers just like her? It's like egyptian pharaoh convincing his subjects that the roman emperor they are at war with was chosen by their own gods.
5. Modern dragons, including ice dragons, are enemy of ancient dragons, so we know the ancient dragons didn't use them to rule over the lands or anything like that.
6. You got the Great tree completely wrong. You're talking about engravings on buildings built during the golden order, which we know 100% depict the Erdtree/Ancient Erdtree, as made by some old Great Tree civilization. It's not even a theory or speculation, you're just making shit up and forgetting to check if it's true. And I'm talking only from the perspective of the base game, I know the DLC lore disproves what you said but there's no need for that, since the base game already does that. And the most prominent depiction of the "great tree" is in ancient dynasty ruins, but since you made stuff about them being "scarlet rot society" you're trying to tie the great tree to buildings which were built when it no longer existed/turned into the Erdtree.

@celinery9166 - 10.08.2024 20:14

Hearing the Hades soundtrack featured in an Elden Ring lore video was so unexpected but so so good

@sethmcneil4252 - 12.08.2024 09:31

5 and a half hours is actually less than I expected

@DiRT_BAG_CALi - 16.08.2024 05:02

I just wanted to say thank you so much for this! I've listening to it, watching it, rewinding, making sure I'm following along and not losing track. I fall asleep with this on too lol it's been super enjoyable and I appreciate yall for making it! 🖤

@Jalmerk - 19.08.2024 12:23

I think a really interesting detail that seems too important to just ignore, is that there are only two types of living trees in The Lands Between. One resembles the Erdtree, the other is distinctly similar to the greattree reliefs. It to me suggests that there was a different tree, that is still sprouting new shoots from it’s root system, despite the central tree being long gone.

@CatManDoesStuffYT - 22.08.2024 03:06

We ain’t sleeping tonight boys

@RedDevilGamingBRiB - 23.08.2024 07:04

Just curious if you still planned on revisiting a modified version of this video or an attachment video post DLC. Thanks!

@SSBLADE-wo6ok - 24.08.2024 11:50

I couldn't focus on what you were saying around 2 hours because you put the borderlands load screen music in there

@shane.616 - 25.08.2024 00:41

really great video, thanks for the upload!

@wayfarerzen - 31.08.2024 03:00

> Open video
> It's 6 hours long.
> ...Half a million people have already watched it all the way through

Well, fuck, I guess I gotta give it a shot. Time to play Elden Ring with this in the background.

@OllieSoulsby - 13.09.2024 15:16

I think that the banished knights were the ones who orchestrated the destruction of the great tree hence why they are banished

@khaleeqkusi3113 - 21.09.2024 03:24

Finally finished, masterpiece.

@loudvisions9156 - 27.09.2024 07:43

I'm convinced the Great Tree was burnt down and the erdtree is just its aspect. The only two places with Godfrey's road insignia defaced is Cealid after melenias scarlet rot and in lyndall, the road up to the arena. A dragon large or small, first breach of the wall, wouldn't be enough to deface the road, it wouldn't be all encompassing that it would burn the insignia off the road in lyndall. Not the mention, all the ash still around the capital, the pictures in the volcano manor, the translucent appearance of the erdtree at some angles. I think Marika tries to hide previous victories of her enemies. Or maybe she just is copying powerful symbols from the past to justify her order. Hawkshaw is the undisputed champion of us lore junkies. My deepest gratitude for the endless brain food to chew on and make the game a thousand times better!!!!

@mightytq33 - 03.10.2024 09:09

Uhh did you chatGPT the script

@graygoldman9655 - 23.10.2024 08:38

I didnt need to go to class today anyway

@joshuaandrews7766 - 09.11.2024 13:48

The word 'opinion' is wildly misused. This video isn't an opinion, it's an interpretation that's based in fact. If you're ever overtly incorrect about something, that doesn't make it an opinion. It simply makes it an incorrect fact. Love the video btw

@loudvisions9156 - 14.11.2024 09:41

Everything the Golden order created, like the churches of Marika or the return tower on the weeping peninsula are so primitive. Stopping death, stops life. Love that. Gransax was so based!!!!❤😂

@NeverUseAnApostrophe - 22.11.2024 12:56

I love your content. I hate your continued mispronunciation of Mohg as "mog" everytime you say it. They clearly repeat his name in the game as MOHG.

@Elfie515 - 01.12.2024 07:47


@ConflictedApe - 14.12.2024 02:56

why does this have the same title as the more popular video from another content creator?🤔🤔

@noamias4897 - 21.12.2024 16:53

While I don’t agree with all interpretations and while there are some things that were disproven or made unlikely by the DLC this remains an extremely thorough, interesting and valid telling of the entire story.

@richardnelson3507 - 27.12.2024 00:29

It's really a great game, and a terrific video. I wish FromSoft games weren't so ridiculously hard though! My question though is this... Why do "Souls" type games like this always have the enemy as 3 times the size of your character? It's really the only thing that bugs me. The artwork is beautiful, the fights are epic (albeit the same) but why are the enemies so huge? I can understand the dragons, and giants, and crazy stuff, but regular humanoids?

@plasmiusphantom - 16.01.2025 04:39

Marika the Conqueror made King Godfrey bend the knee and become a Lord

@plasmiusphantom - 16.01.2025 04:53

Elden Jon being related to rot god is growing on me, though Scum Mage dubbing him Feldon Jon and linking him with the fire giant (burning, one eye statues of him at the Parthenon), the plot to siphon energy from deaths (the speculated event that Must have happened to cause the dragons and the Many Faced God to intervene, and the catacombs/death rites (he's a priestly dressed and likely has this insider knowledge from direct experience at his job).

Is there a way to square these theories?

@plasmiusphantom - 16.01.2025 05:17

Whoooooooooaaaaa, the Banished Knights civ building the road is crazy; I love it :D

@plasmiusphantom - 16.01.2025 05:19

Marika is the greatest PR agent of all time!

@plasmiusphantom - 16.01.2025 05:45

I listen to so many videos that I forget that some of the things I heard came from YOU xD thank youuuu, thank you :D

@Dr.MuleMan - 16.01.2025 07:22

The KOTOR music tripped me out.

@LexIconLS - 11.02.2025 20:41

Love to see the meteor theories getting traction.

Would love to see you, Tarnished Archeologist, and Quelaag collab. You're the three best Elden Ring loretubers. Hands down.

@plasmiusphantom - 15.02.2025 10:55

If the Erdtree was burned to end the Age of Plenty (which I tend to lean towards), then hell yeah, it makes sense she was fresh out of Mercy xD no more chances; all opps must be destroyed.
That's tough

@justinroyalty389 - 17.02.2025 19:32

Its a good video, but I take issue with your separation of the Order of the Erdtree from the Golden Order, here’s a quote by Sorcerer Rogier:

“They were conceived at the great Academy of Raya Lucaria, to the north of this castle.

In the past, they obeyed laws which contravened the Golden Order, or so I'm told.

Fascinating, isn't it? That the Golden Order was pliable enough to absorb practices that contradicted itself in the past. With the Order broken, twisted, and in need of repair, such adaptability is more important now than ever.”

This strongly suggests that the Golden Order already existed by the time of the Second Liurnian War

@BruceWaynesaysLandBack - 18.02.2025 00:54

Yo can you update for shadow?

@cereOFFLINE - 20.02.2025 18:23


@goldiemew1125 - 27.02.2025 10:55

I keep having to re watch this video because I fall asleep to it and miss 80% of it💀

Hella worth it though! These videos are amazing!

@reallyanotheruser7290 - 03.03.2025 20:44

Great choice opening with the City of Tears 👌

@Hawkshaw - 20.06.2024 20:28

All 8 episodes together, for the ultimate viewing experience! This has been a huge amount of work over many months and we're very proud of everyone involved that meant we could complete it before the Shadow of the Erdtree. There is also lots of speculation and theorising throughout, as it is all only our opinion, so we are keen to hear your own theories in the context of a full timeline! Back to a more normal release schedule now - we'll see you in the DLC!
Praise the Lore!
