Bra jobbat!!! 😊
ОтветитьWe love a confident king! The universal power of TWICE knows no bounds 😂
ОтветитьThis is GOLD!!!!! This is the best homage and tribute to TWICE!!!
ОтветитьThe Once will always love Philip unnie <3
ОтветитьI feel like ive seen this Swede group somewhere else before...i dunno where though
Ответить이건 진짜 감동이네..
Ответитьشذا الخياس
ОтветитьMeeting twice is one thing, but performing with them I couldn’t imagine how that must’ve felt! Loved the video!
ОтветитьI love their sense of humor 😂
ОтветитьYes girls, theres a man dancing to your songs, it was funny the first time....
Ответитьhe gives father vibe! a father that having fun dancing whit his daughter
ОтветитьNo but Jeongyeon and the person who was her look so similar. Like at the end
ОтветитьThe girl with short hair is so pretty TTTT they did so well omg❤
ОтветитьFirst of all, the dance team is all PRETTY!!
ОтветитьThis man got all attention.
ОтветитьI love Nayeon's hairstyle here! <3
Ответить아저씨라 그런가 다들 귀엽네요
ОтветитьThey got dance with Twice OMG
ОтветитьSo fun ❤❤
ОтветитьTwice reaction is amazing ❤❤💓💫and once dance so cool💘💕👍😩
Ответитьphilip all the way!
ОтветитьThey r so lucky.... imagine.. being able to dance and perform with Twice and hug in a lifetime...
ОтветитьAmong the music producers of Korean entertainment agencies, many of the popular K-pop songs were produced by Swedish producers, perhaps because they grew up listening to Swedish pop music such as rock group Europe's The Final Countdown.
ОтветитьI currently live in Sweden right now! 😀
ОтветитьTwice has a lot of fan boys. 😅 cute😍💖
Ответитьphilip’s sense of humor is hilarious, i can’t help but laugh when i see him 😭
Ответитьi went to a kpop thing 2 weeks ago and i met him THIS IS SO COOL
Ответить❤❤❤❤❤Twice lvoe
ОтветитьI couldve watched this endlessly.😓
ОтветитьAnyone who's wondering, they are a dance group and teachers called The Unnie Vibe Academy located in Sweden. Look them up they are really good teachers.
ОтветитьOkay seriously, I am in awe with the guy 🥰
ОтветитьI love how Onces give support and cheer with Fanchant TWICE 💜
Voice of Fanboy is crazy 🍭
Jag är så stolt över mitt land
ОтветитьThem all together is too cute 😭😭
ОтветитьDem är så bra
ОтветитьThe tall blonde guy is my dance teacher
ОтветитьI would not be able to even perform in front of twice let alone with them without freaking out
ОтветитьJust imagine. Big random Swedish man dancing Twice song. it's kind a dope and cringe at the same time. HAHAHAHAH. Just imagine it was Zlatan Ibrahimovic?. HAHAHAHAHAHAH
ОтветитьFanboy was epic