BG3 error code 516 - fix Baldur's Gate 3 failed save issue

BG3 error code 516 - fix Baldur's Gate 3 failed save issue


1 год назад

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@CondonErebus - 22.09.2023 23:11

You a a God's send.
Thank you

@kiearnhorne9382 - 23.09.2023 00:35

This helped me troubleshoot my game not saving, thank you!

@mauriciocuatrobolas9306 - 23.09.2023 06:24

nope , not working . If i talk to a vendor , sell nothing , close , try to save the error appears. If i reload the game and now save it saves so no firewall , hard disk , virus issues.

@dalindor9114 - 23.09.2023 16:57

standard troubleshooting stuff, not a fix for the issue.

@netthigpenmichaelrobert1598 - 23.09.2023 18:57

While these might solve some problems, if you are seeing this around 22 or 23 of Sep after the latest patch, it's probably a bug related to an update to how your preference for vendors is saved. If you visited a vendor and then tried to save afterwards it will give you the 516 error. To solve the error, go visit another vendor and trade again. You may need to use the trade button on the bottom of the screen instead of the conversation option. That solved it for me.

@beabh8688 - 23.09.2023 22:05

After yesterday's patch 3, there is only one solution, and it is none of those. The problem occurs when trading with merchants, it is solved by using the trade button (bottom left corner) instead of using the buy option in the conversation, and then, ALWAYS leave the store on "BANTER". Otherwise, you will get the error and will not be able to save. If you do that, it should work 100%. There is no need to delete saves or anything like that, nor is it the mods fault.

@nemofish3504 - 24.09.2023 23:01

After the latest patch, this has been happening nonstop

@Superbou24. - 10.10.2023 11:32

If you are still having problems I’d recommend deleting the other saves that are useless or not needed that helped me
