Now, they want to rescue hostages after committing geocide.
ОтветитьThe IDF showed the nations how governments should serve & care about their own people!
ОтветитьFake made in Bolywood
Ответитьinside job fake
ОтветитьThey're all the same, following the same ideology. One just chooses to be a non combatant.
ОтветитьHow did they know hostages were there?
ОтветитьHow did they find hostage with GPS inside their body ?
ОтветитьNow show us Noa's rescue.
ОтветитьBöyle rezil kurtarmamı olur
ОтветитьReality anyone who is still in the areas are tereiuaf
Ответить270 Palestinians and 3 Israeli hostages died to rescue 4 hostages and yet the west calls it a success and no one is mentioning the cost
ОтветитьWhen will Ahmed and Moshe realize that an eye for an eye is making the whole world blind???
ОтветитьOnları kurtaranlar israilliler değil Amerikan özel kuvvetleri 35000 tane masum çocuk ve kadın öldürdükten sonra Büyük Kahramanlık dünya yahudilerden daha fazla nefret ediyor artık
ОтветитьThe rest of the world that Jews and Christians are being attacked by jeehaddits: Dore Gold writes, “According to Islamic tradition, a warrior who gives his life in a true jihad, a holy war, becomes a shahid, or martyr (literally, “witness), and is guaranteed entry into Paradise. But beginning in the ninth century, as two centuries of Muslim holy wars and territorial expansion ended, Muslim theologians broadened the meaning of jihad, emphasizing armed struggle and, under the influence of Sufism (Islamic mysticism), adopting more spiritual definitions. True, some sectarians who broke off from Islam continued to stress the older, militant meaning of jihad....But the Islamic mainstream had shifted away from this focus on the religious requirement of a universal campaign of jihad. Consequently, the meaning of shahid changed as well. Whereas the term had originally applied to one who gave his life in battle, a scholar or someone who led Muslim prayers could now be compared to a shahid when his day of judgment arrived. The Wahhabi, however, restored the idea of jihad as armed struggle, and they spread their new doctrine across the Arabian peninsula and beyond in the latter part of the eighteenth century. Even today the revival of jihad, and its prioritization as a religious value, is found in the works of high-level Saudi officials....”
According to Bernard Lewis, “Conventionally translated ‘holy war,’ [jihad] has the literal meaning of striving, more specifically, in the Qur’anic phrase ‘striving in the path of God’ (fi sabil Allah). Some Muslim theologians, particularly in modern times, have interpreted the duty of ‘striving in the path of God’ in a spiritual and moral sense. The overwhelming majority of early authorities, however, citing relevant passages in the Qur’an and in the tradition, discuss jihad in military terms.”
Remember this: Democrats did not want the Israeli hostages to be rescued because Joe Biden is pandering to the Arabs who keep calling themselves "Palestinians" 👈🏾😐
ОтветитьIsreal is on the road to Jerusalem
ОтветитьThe kidnappers are slaves to an ideology that is cruel and inhumane. They need to be saved from this.
ОтветитьThey were being held by an Al Jazeera journalist….
ОтветитьDon’t believe Hamas estimates. They lie
ОтветитьWhat movie is this from?
ОтветитьThere are TWO MILLION Palestinian hostages being tortured, starved, abused and killed by Israeli/American genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza and the West Bank. Where is the sense of outrage over this crime against humanity ????
ОтветитьFree Palestine 🇵🇸
ОтветитьBeautiful moment..especially the celebrating as they exit the aircraft. My heart breaks for those families that have yet to see their loved ones..and for those that unfortunately never will again. God bless all our Israeli brothers and sisters. The US stands with you!!!
ОтветитьI have a feeling the Isreali Gov't is doing the same thing Bush did in 2001.
What better way to occupy land and oil by staging a terrorist attack and having an excuse for an invasion and genocide of people you hate? Bush did it, Netanyahu can do the same.
Ответитьحسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل
ОтветитьWow hamas os a joke they really ...let me shutup
ОтветитьWhen you poke the bear, this is what happens
ОтветитьIsrael must start searching for land on this planet
. They will be expelled from Palestine as they have been expelled and deported as before .in history.
history don't lie
History will condemn us for not heeding the fundamental lesson of the Holocaust, which is not that Jews are eternal victims, but that when you have the capacity to stop genocide and you do not, you are culpable.
“The opposite of good is not evil,” Samuel Johnson wrote. “The opposite of good is indifference.”
The Palestinian resistance is our resistance. The Palestinian struggle for dignity, freedom and independence is our struggle. CHR
Quoting fake Palestinian casualty figures is exactly what Hamas wants the media to do. Grest job, WSJ.
ОтветитьStop being anti Israel.
ОтветитьJesus save Israel ❤
ОтветитьDon't hold hostages or harbor those who do. Common sense.
ОтветитьWhat about the others 🙄🙂🙂
I support Israel as I am against Hamas. Not Palestine itself
Ответить❤ lave from india
ОтветитьThank god they are home. Still so many others missing 😢
ОтветитьAșa vă vrem IDF
Fără frică .fără milă
Vă iubim
Suntem cu voi❤❤❤❤❤
SHEMA Israel Adonai!!
ОтветитьSomebody told,..
somebody somebody gave up the location .. for what? Was it torture ? Or money and passport to America.? Palestinians you can’t trust everybody. Be careful who you let him do the small circles. be sure to test the loyalty. Trick them see if they fall for it.
So interesting they knew exactly in which house there are in ?? 🥸
ОтветитьHamas imagine losing to random Police officers