Bluegrass Trio Harmony Workshop with Bill Evans & Family

Bluegrass Trio Harmony Workshop with Bill Evans & Family

Bill Evans

4 года назад

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@Qbm2109 - 26.06.2020 21:29

Very educational. Many thanks

@janishart5128 - 23.09.2020 08:18

Bill Evans: BEAUTIFUL HARMONIES!! Very educational video - thanks!! However, your mic needs to be turned up, since the volume is kind of low, even though I have my speakers turned up full blast.

@Poguemahone21 - 11.01.2021 17:17

I have a question regarding the baritone part. In the first line on the word 'come' (Darling I have COME to tell you...), why is the baritone singing a B note? The guitar plays a D chord here; the lead sings a D note and the tenor an F# sharp note. I would have thought that the baritone stays on the A note to complete the D chord, that the guitar plays?

@pecosnick45 - 26.02.2021 13:18

So do the tenor and baritone parts change notes every time the lead melody changes notes? And the note they sing in the harmony is relative to the note in the melody? Or do they just sing the note the note relative to the chord, changing only with the chord changes? My gf has a degree in music and shes saying its the latter, but shes more “classically” trained and not so much into bluegrass. Id like to sing but im too confused to do so.

@rogeranderson8763 - 07.03.2021 06:40

You've really got it there! Thanks for sharing with us. -Veteran '66-68 Nice Martin ya got there!!

@lisavancuren3243 - 29.05.2021 02:54

This was really fun to sing along with. Im driving from Florida to Michigan and this was an engaging way to pass the time. Thank you.

@Alex16993 - 31.05.2021 03:45

Thank you very much for this! I have one question though, I'm not sure if you talked about that in the video. Would the bass part be one of the others just an octave lower or is it something completely seperate? Greetings from Germany :)

@theohiograssmen - 18.06.2021 09:41

I've been playing and singing for a few decades now, vocals have slowly improved but my guitar playing is lights years ahead. This first lesson of yours I stumbled upon just answered over half of the questions I had. Thank you ❤

@siggesaltens2663 - 22.11.2021 21:49

American greatness

@ReillyR99 - 25.02.2022 04:38

Hi Bill, thank you so much for this, it will help teach my friends, nephews, and cousins to start bluegrass <3

@ct4883 - 20.03.2022 03:47

I just sang along with this lesson while making lentil soup. What a magnificent rainy day this has turned out to be. You all have such beautiful voices. Thank you! Great instruction.

@hazystudios - 04.05.2022 05:06

How do you keep your part from going off pitch?

When I sing a lead I can hear my voice and stay on pitch easily, but when I sing harmony I can't hear my voice separate from the lead and sometimes get off pitch.

Are you listening to hear the two voices(or 3) as one? Or are you zeroing in on your own voice? Which is better to listen for? The later seems very difficult to me.

@patricewebb9806 - 15.09.2022 02:54

I love this! Thank you so much and please do it for some more songs, if possible.

@tyhathaway794 - 24.09.2022 17:57

what can i say just beautiful great job like my daddy would say we need a whole lot more of this again thanks watching from PC FL

@Dobroz99 - 26.09.2022 22:25

Enjoyed it Bill! Just started back working on harmony. I have your dvd but I am a really slow learner! Hope to see you soon!

@lemonadegumdrop9458 - 22.10.2022 23:09

Lmao I thought the jazz pianist bill evans had come back from the grave as a bluegrass guitarist

@amaguri_art2 - 15.11.2022 20:09

Wonderful tutorial!!! So great!🤩

@Kmcmichael1959 - 04.03.2023 04:40

Why are they not called 1, 3 and five instead of te or etc.

@ruthgunneson-poling1571 - 09.05.2023 07:15

❤ ok. Bedtime for Miss Ruthie! I'm learning how to harmonize with my friends. We perform every Sunday. Our videos are on Bob's Barn Jamboree. We all have fun. Your video is fun and easy so far. Sleep sweet and Ill see you in the morning so I can watch your whole video. You all have beautiful voices!

@shootinjh - 02.10.2023 07:08

Thank you for making my awesome existence on this spinning rock better!

@martinbunny29 - 03.10.2023 05:36

Thanks for this terrific Bluegrass harmony singing Tutorial - very helpful !
However you did have me a bit confused initially at about 9min 30 secs into the video with reference to 1, 3, and 5 notes of the [G] chord since you said you were doing it in [A] - assume this was since you were using G shape chords with capo on 2nd fret thus sound output was A chord/scale.
Great work and very helpful for old 'beery-tone groaners' like me on how to start and "develop" the low baritone part.

@cmcapps1963 - 15.10.2023 21:49

It's simple to do, but soooooo helpful to me to sing the harmony parts without the lead! I always get distracted by the lead and end up going an octave above or below. Most other bluegrass tutorials always include the lead but showing harmonies in isolation is very valuable!

@Improveng1 - 12.11.2023 17:43

Nice one guys 😄

@jimmccarley9609 - 25.01.2024 08:44

So cool. Get rid of your televisions people, dust off that guitar, and sing!

@videocamper - 07.02.2024 21:03

Really nice explanation and workshop. Thank you!

@Beacharoni - 22.04.2024 11:21

This is absolutely great! We all try harmonies each time we're singing together and not in the shower alone. We hear it when it happens, but not sure why. Thanks for a clear answer to that.

@Msfifisquarepantz - 30.04.2024 15:34


@rambomambo - 07.05.2024 23:49

thanks for this

@stans.musical.memories - 10.10.2024 19:51

Thanks for posting this wonderful workshop!
