Women’s decline of modesty through the years

Women’s decline of modesty through the years

Taylor Alesia

4 месяца назад

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@amandachism9270 - 12.02.2025 05:48

thank you for this; ilearned so much and thank you for your content💖

@chrissimmons9969 - 12.02.2025 14:43

Love a woman in a dress. It is very attractive. Also corsets were very attractive as well….

@212caboose - 12.02.2025 17:53

Feminism is the reason. In the grand scheme, it's liberalism in general. It's a disease.

@sammelina12 - 12.02.2025 19:58

Interesting video! Although back in the 1700’s, cleavage was very much poppin, just had to say. But modesty was also to salvage the idea of purity - especially for unmarried women as that was intertwined with their value as a virgin. Not to protect them necessarily from external views as many women choose to do these days. Women could dress modestly as prescribed by their societal norms at the time but behind closed doors could easily act immodestly, even like Elizabeth the first, the “virgin” Queen. But as the government became more prominent vs the church in daily life, the influence of modesty became less important, and women in the west swung to the polar opposite side of showing skin = freedom (remember women didn’t get the right to vote even until the early 20’s in some areas and were becoming more independent on their own, and perhaps removing clothing was like stripping away oppressive layers of their society in days past).

I think one thing everyone should remember is that modesty truly is perceptual. Of course people have reasons like religion, not wanting eyes on them, fashion choices, etc. and that’s all ok. But look at remote tribes living in the Amazon for example - some hardly wear any clothes and it’s not to garner attention, it’s just how their culture has evolved and what is “normal”.

I think women should do what they want and what aligns with their belief systems and makes them feel comfortable. We all have the autonomy and free will to make decisions we deem best for ourselves. Peace to you all.

@izzywhitby9797 - 14.02.2025 11:51

While I think that short shorts and crop tops have surpassed the point of comfort, I'm disappointed that you didn't say more about the men who dress immodestly. You mentioned it when you spoke about the 2010s but you only showed resentment to the women who battled the double standard which allows men to show their chests but requires women to cover up, rather than the double-standard itself. If women should dress modestly, let's hold men to the same standard: no one wants to see their bare chest in a public place.

@kimosaber9937 - 19.02.2025 02:25

In Islam, the hijab preserves a woman's modesty and dignity. It is not an oppression nor a limitation of freedom. It is a protection for them. In fact, all of my female relatives are hijabi and they cannot imagine their lives without it.

@schatzi321 - 19.02.2025 03:20

In the Orthodox church it is traditional for women to dress modestly and wear veils, just as the alter is veiled during the preparation of the Eucharist and the Communion cup is veil before presentation. I heard a priest explain that it is because in the Church precious things are veiled and therefore protected.

@jyotisawant957 - 19.02.2025 09:37

Muslim women fighting in the comments section as if they invented modesty. There is a difference identify crisis and modesty.

@bellamccready6230 - 19.02.2025 10:18

I agree women look like brothel escapees but its their hearts that have been laid bare more. Moral rot has been a long term goal and it is accomplished. I dont know where you can go to avoid this as the same people who say they arent this, make videos showing us this because they are reprobate. If you want to be Godly start by BEING Godly and turning your eyes away from these images and unto things of decency, otherwise your just spewing out more of what you say you don"t like

@EzekielEades - 20.02.2025 19:58

In your profile picture, you have six fingers visible. The number of Satan. People don't be deceived by this wolf in sheep's clothing. She avoids praising Jesus' name.

@SEA_828 - 20.02.2025 23:05

🤍🤍🤍🤍💯💯💯💯💯 I’ve been saying this for years and it’s so beautiful to see younger women acknowledging this truth!

@elara_X1 - 23.02.2025 11:13

Sister u r bringing revolution,,,❤❤❤❤,,,,

@Khalilside - 23.02.2025 16:50

As a man of God and a God fearing man I like women modesty it’s way better than showing SO MUCH like women today do. Like when women show all bu*t and small bras and small crop tops I honestly get disgusted. Like I see if you’re wearing a crop top and some pants to go to the gym. Also when it’s summer I can see why but showing almost to your but* isn’t ok. Like I love when women wear Christian veils it’s so pretty and beautiful to me.

@reaurr - 23.02.2025 18:14

I think there’s nothing wrong with showing a little skin, only if you wear it right and elegantly, for example; a mini skirt and a long sleeve shirt, or a long dress that shows a bit of cleavage, don’t show too much but if you want something that does show off a little bit you should only pick one part to show, unlike girls now who go out with their underwear showing, mini skirts, and a literal BRA. If you want to cover up that’s fine too, just make sure you dress elegantly and right, if you are wearing something, wear it for yourself NOT men.
Also what you said about women being “s-xually pure” some women get r-ped and they’re still pure, a woman might have done it before marriage, just because any of those things happen does not mean a woman isn’t a woman.

@seven7759 - 24.02.2025 03:25

you literally have an onlyfans? How tf are you going to make a video about the decline of modesty when you are on OF? absolutely pathetic. Zero shame in these women.

@ashtondillard6906 - 24.02.2025 10:29

Like she said. Women who dress modest, feminine and soft are more attractive(atleast to me) then a women who’s straight butt naked. It’s a very big show of character.

@kevinedwards2282 - 24.02.2025 15:21

Dear Taylor,

I am subscribed to your Channel and I have spoken on this subject before, however I have to admit. I have an issue with lust, and this leaves me filled with guilt. A big part of me thinks that this must be natural, although there's this other part which hates myself. This is an admission. I'm a married man, to a certain degree it feels like cheating. Although my wife has a medical condition which prevents intimacy, and it's been like this for at least twenty years. Being a Christian half the time I hate myself, but I don't know what to do. I'm not a Priest, I didn't ask to be celibate. I was just wondering if you or someone else had an opinion on something like this.

@TruthSeeker12345 - 27.02.2025 21:21

An Islamic Perspective:

Modesty makes women look pure, respected, and protected...

Nudity makes them much less decent, respectful and safe !!!

Women are Sacred Humans like Wives, Mothers, and Daughters not Sexual Toys for Sinful Fun...

@AnthonyJones-j2q - 28.02.2025 19:47

Nakedness could never attract me.

@JazmineBrown-v7j - 01.03.2025 03:08

They are trying to get rid of women.. That's why they are making so many Robots and artificial wombs.

@crueltyfreecolorist1025 - 01.03.2025 03:16

Fashion is very interesting to me. In the 1920s, they started to show skin, but in the 1930s and 1940s, fashion became more modest again with the wearing of suits. Then, in the late 1940s and 1950s, women began to show skin again after the war. By the 1960s, the trend was to have shorter styles, and this continued into the 1970s. The 1980s saw a return to somewhat more modest styles with suits, which I found interesting. In the 1990s, fashion resembled the 1960s. In the 2000s, it became raunchier, and then around 2007-2010, there was a lot of 1970s style. Since then, fashion has been a mix of various styles from the past. Definitely now, it is all about showing bums, skin, and breasts like never before. Possibly influenced by celebrities.

@HappyUcebro - 01.03.2025 04:55

My BodY mY ChoICe!!!

@shabashabadoo3899 - 01.03.2025 20:43

Love those old fashioned dresses. My wife’s grandmother used to rouge her knees in the 1920-30’s. Big rebel.

@mattwhisnant5926 - 01.03.2025 22:00

I lived in the north of Spain for a while and noticed an interesting thing. Women there were quite conservative with their dress compared to American women. They dressed attractively, but more modestly. Women there, according to the Spanish men I knew, were also quite conservative with their sexual behavior, less promiscuous than American women. However, at the beach, or even public swimming pools, it was common for the same women who walked to the pool/beach in modest clothes to go topless at these places. It puzzled me for a long time. Then I began to notice a difference. The women were not showing off. It was not like the US, where the only time you saw a woman’s breasts (apart from an intimate relationship) were in situations where they were trying to draw attention or make money (Mardi Gras-style “flashing”, bikini/wet t-shirt contests, strip clubs). They did not prance around, they did not try to gain attention, they were totally casual about it. It was as if they didn’t even notice it, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. The women who did it were all ages, all body types. Daughters, mothers, grandmothers. There was an innocence about it. It was the opposite of what our society teaches women: That their bodies are tools of titillation, and their sexuality is a product to trade for something valuable (money, clicks, likes, cheers, winning a contest, attention). Likewise, men routinely wore “speedo” style swimsuits. It was not a fetishy, show-off type of thing. It was just comfortable swimwear. At first, that too was weird to me. And perhaps most shocking, men, women, and even children would not uncommonly change clothes openly at the pool/beach (or lakes, the woods while camping, or sometimes even next to a public path before/after a workout, or in a public park to lay in the sun). This was a big surprise, and very uncomfortable to me… which my Spanish friends thought was hilarious. I eventually came to believe this was a much healthier view of our bodies than our American perspective. It was the opposite of the constant sexualization of nudity, it was simple acceptance of our bodies. I do not agree with the “free the nipple” movement in the US, because it has encouraged nudity in inappropriate places, specifically for the purpose of titillation, shock value, and the destruction of modesty. It does not have to be a binary choice. We can have greater acceptance of our natural bodies, reject the view that our bodies are something to trade for something of value or to be ashamed of, and disrobe in places and times where it makes sense and we are not doing so to titillate or offend, and yet maintain modesty. That’s what I saw in the north of Spain, and came to deeply appreciate.

@Ty-1452 - 02.03.2025 21:10

I struggle with lustful thoughts. I’d love to live a life free of masturkation, but it’s almost impossible because in my neighborhood, there are many beautiful women that are always almost naked.

@Dwighthanuaer - 03.03.2025 00:43

Women in the 1920 started shaving their legs. Even the bicycle helped women lose more clothing over time. Not easy riding a bike with lots of clothing. 1960s changed everything. Go back the the 1950s dresses. Going back to family times and gatherings is gone. This phone life is different when you need it every where you go. You can look up anything you want. Good or Bad. Sounds like the for bidden tree of knowledge of good and evil. Women and girls look good in dreses. I like blue dresses.

@Dwighthanuaer - 03.03.2025 01:56

Jewsish and Muslims women dress modest.

@drpuma_2901 - 03.03.2025 03:17

As a Christian man, "modest is hottest" is true on so many levels. I am really only attracted to a woman who respects herself enough to dress modestly.

@escarlinpaula1679 - 03.03.2025 05:41

I love your Chanel all your topic are soooo interesting ,I am latín americana specifically from dominican republic , Jesús love You

@escarlinpaula1679 - 03.03.2025 05:47

I love period movies, the clothes, the long hair, you saw women dressed like women, now women dress like prostitutes, it's sad as a woman, but they don't mind going out naked on the street, or some of them dress like men.
Because if you want to dress sexy you can do it in a decent way, but women now understand that being sexy means going out wearing underwear, pantyhose and a bra on the street and they believe they are dressed.

@abdullahtariq8666 - 04.03.2025 22:56

Well shame on so called modreb society

@Aliceaineoficial - 05.03.2025 21:22

It's just because of feminism
Unfortunately 😢
Blessings from Brazil
I love your videos 😊

@EpicvidsKetti08 - 07.03.2025 06:22

What I find suspicious is how it's gone so far away from designs and aesthetics. It's Godless to the point where it's definitively more sexy to look good then to wear crappy clothes.

@MohammadAli-or4wu - 07.03.2025 12:36

Thank you for the thoughtful video.
Our current society has some serious thinking to do.
Democracy is great, but not when we replace human standards of modesty (among other things) with senseless degrading trends that eventually harm society by objectifying a gender.

@Sheriff_Bones - 07.03.2025 15:16

I'm glad there are still women like u in this world❤

@ManalButt-q1e - 08.03.2025 14:05

I love your content on modesty! Our generation truly needs this—keep spreading this beautiful message and making a difference!

@carpiediem2 - 08.03.2025 15:56

Pls also note the rise of Hollywood and the "Golden Age" in conjunction with the change of aesthetics. Also a slight fact amendment, the male silhouette entered female fashion much earlier than the 1980's. In fact, the 80's was a reference back to the 20's and 30's as there was a subculture of women wearing masculine clothes.

@Chris_978 - 09.03.2025 12:15

I’m glad that you made this video and uploaded because this was a great way of telling how modesty changed thru out the years. I seen it all since the 90s up to now and it’s declining. As the world changes to more sexuality the more the clothes be more revealing.

@solserpentine325 - 09.03.2025 20:41


@judithwiebe3417 - 11.03.2025 06:36

I learned so much from this, thank you

@claudeman11 - 11.03.2025 10:52

Your parents must be proud. God be with you!

@m.o.s.h.1836 - 11.03.2025 17:51

modern women wears almost nothing or love to flaunt their private parts. Very indecent body language and immodest dressing.

@Rebelartist83 - 12.03.2025 08:01

Amen and yes and Thank you sister
So many clothes these days have barely enough fabric to them to make a dish rag or cloth swatch for a quilt or are highly inappropriate and I think Modest is a must..like you don't have to go to the Amish or FLDS look unless that's what your going for then whatever.. and you don't have to look like something from leave it to beaver unless thats what you like then hey ok and kudos to you..but for me personally since I know I'm not exactly twiggy and not in Highschool anymore..i prefer to dress my age but i choose to dress like a 42 year old would when my grandma was growing up..when I can find the clothes on sale or something that fits the style..but I also have disabilities that cause me to have a mis shape and use an electric wheelchair so I prefer long skirts and my personal rule is nothing i can trip on or would get caught in the wheels of my chair and I like funny joke shirts sometimes but I'm careful to make sure they're not rude or awful or mean but thats my personal style you can tailor modesty to fit your taste and personality and me i love vintage styles pre 1960 so think Linda Darnell or Debbie Reynolds but like the sweater sets and pre war looks like from the edwardian era and I know the flapper looks are risque but sadly they look like girlscouts to todays clothes..but theres a way to do vintage with out it looking like a bad cosplay or you look like a materialistic whatever either me personally its fun to play with styles and save it for a special occasion but don't forget to make it align with your values and what you know as modest like if you like the flapper look but not the dress just take like a flapper necklace and wear it with your favorite modest dress and if a guy likes the old styles too you can always look at old photos of your grandpa when he was your age
Clothes used to be passed on and sewn to fit the personal taste of the person receiving it.. clothes will come and go so does fashion..nothing new under the sun the good book tells us
We must always keep our eyes on God and put on the garments of praise and not care if others make fun of us for chosing to dress with integrity let them say whatever..as for me and my house i will serve the Lord...and to my muslim sisters thank you for your pretty scarves when I had cancer a while back i needed some affordable head scarves and I got some i believe from a bazar website and no one cranked on me for them either my family at my Baptist church complimented me on them and asked me where I got them and was like thats great ... anyway i really enjoyed your video and please excuse me for the accidental one sidedness no narcissisim intended i asure you I'm also autistic and sometimes can nerd out a bit especially on topics like this..
and take care and God bless and have a wonderful day

@ronaldblack7642 - 13.03.2025 01:58

Going to be honest, we are way past the "modern example." I prefer modest and is a sign of a woman who is worthy to be a wife.

@adamdilem941 - 14.03.2025 12:06

This Muslim man appreciates your work. Thank you.

@lynnfox2359 - 15.03.2025 18:31

An excellent video, thank you.

@JeremiahLewis-g4c - 15.03.2025 22:31

You have great points, but as a history buff, I do have to point out that corsetry wasn't suffocatingly tight, mostly. The French were notorious for tight-lacing, but that was seen as unhealthy and the average woman wearing a corset kept it snug, but not tight. It was meant to support the bust and back and enforce good posture, not crush the wearer's organs.

@DonPedroman - 16.03.2025 02:18

The 80s weren't the first time male fashion entered female one, for example: modern heeled shoes were invented in Iran for cavalry soldiers in the early 1700s, and it got incorporated in Europe for more regular shoes (specially France) as heels made a man taller and accentuated the legs muscles (men's legs were their most outward means of attraction. thats why they wore hosiery) but after the French Revolution male shoes with heels disappeared as they were associated with aristocracy, and after the dust settled the new look for noblemen was more millitary inspired, then women started to wear them around the same period and over time became increasingly tied to feminine look, heels also got taller and taller alongside clothes getting skimppier.

@thebiblechick - 13.11.2024 23:03

I learned so much putting this video together and I hope you did too. I think one of the biggest threats on America today is those in power trying to erase/re write history. America used to value modesty and it used to value the Bible. It’s clear to see that we were not better for it and the way that seems right to a man truly leads to destruction. I pray for more women to realize that there is true power in wearing more, not wearing less. God bless you! See you for the next one!
