Finally... REVENGE!!!! | Nightmarerus EXTRA via LSD (PART 12) | Doom 2 Mod

Finally... REVENGE!!!! | Nightmarerus EXTRA via LSD (PART 12) | Doom 2 Mod


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@michaelmadrid2682 - 24.10.2019 14:59

Two Demented Terminators


A Terminator Room?!

uses ultra shotgun take down quickly

@Lumixeon - 24.10.2019 15:17

Ah fuck yes. actually been itching for more of this.

@ireneparkin3360 - 24.10.2019 15:48

Obvious use of C&C Red Alert theme is obvious. ding

@tomio9 - 24.10.2019 16:06

You are terminated.
-Ultraviolence: Nope ( I think i didn't watch the video yet )

@pistolstart - 24.10.2019 18:18


@vitorino7355 - 24.10.2019 18:39

I really like your videos dude ... you are one of the few who make videos of this style (big and narrating). Do you happen to know Aquarius199?

@liter7080 - 24.10.2019 19:25

Well... Here we go again:
1.We set Windows vista on Dterm and Term :DD Dterm and Term shoot nukes to the last place where they saw you,so thats why you ded
2. Doomguys better to be killed shooting into the glasses, it wasn't invisible wall. It was glass
3. 45.40 ye,you got in right-it is prototype of Li$TeR's boss bfg- Fear Gun. It can anyway,anytime,any place,no matter how strong you are... No matter have you invul or not...

@juliosequeira7123 - 24.10.2019 23:56

oh men that was insane!!!!! that fucking shotgun rules!!!!!!

@gogogo271 - 25.10.2019 01:28

Do you really enjoy this? I mean, you spend more time in your inventory than actually playing. If it is just me that's fine :)

@sdfkjgh - 25.10.2019 03:02

UV: Complains about spamming, then spams himself.

@sdfkjgh - 25.10.2019 03:10

At least now the terminator music is matching expectations, copyright violations be damned!

@vivacehome1 - 25.10.2019 04:41

This video is Supa Action Packed !

@caseyengle7324 - 25.10.2019 07:38

The ultra shotgun is awesome. Cant wait to see how this ends!

@markhalden3922 - 25.10.2019 13:39

that fucking ultrashotgun man, we need to see more of it wrecking shit.

@crasaiden1650 - 25.10.2019 18:06

Love it when you use the C&C Red Alert song lol

@SammyPebbles - 25.10.2019 18:56

This whole videos like a trip down memory lane. we go back to where you fought the Leg Cardinal with a few drones, where you fought the Sentinel and other places. Like how you got the Ultrashotgun, you immediately saved lol I'd have done the same

@alexwhait1684 - 26.10.2019 02:58

Congratulations brother. Realy funys videos.

I m sorprender legendary kruger. Very hard mobs.

@Vic-ui1cl - 27.10.2019 07:11

-------========Ultra vionlence's challenge monsters list status=====----------
True Legendary Sentient: Defeat
True Legendary Cardinal: Defeat
True Legendary Cyberdemon(Strong Ver):Defeat
Legendary Terminator: Defeat
Demented Terminator: Defeat
Terminator: Defeat
Legendary Doom Guy: Defeat
Legendary Doom Guy(LSD Ver): Defeat
Legendary Krieger: Defeat
Cerebral Commander(Strong Ver): Defeat
Nemesis HellSmith (Nem_Smith CF patch): still active/Vital Sings: Normal
Nemesis Cyberdemon: Defeat
Nemesis Sentient: Defeat
Freezened Cyberdemon(CF/LSD VER): still active/Vital Sings: Normal
Moloch: Defeat
Exos(LSD Ver): Defeat
Heresiarch: Defeat
Maga Reimu: Defeat
Overlord: Defeat
Makron: Defeat
Apprentice (kaz_smith patch): still active/Vital Sings: Normal
Super Apprentice (kaz_smith patch): still active/Vital Sings: Normal
Hellsmith (kaz_smith patch):still active/Vital Sings: Normal

@kain7355 - 28.10.2019 21:48

A doom map played by a pro. I love it.

@BackroomsSlayer - 04.11.2019 05:50

Legend has it UV is still looking for the thing to this day.

@TehNoobiness - 06.11.2019 12:48

you guys know the ultra shotgun uses stolen sprites, right?

@METALDANNY420 - 29.11.2019 06:38

I need that Ultra Shotgun in Project Brutality 3.0 xD
