Every TERRIFYING BOOK YOU SHOULDN'T KNOW Explained in 14 minutes

Every TERRIFYING BOOK YOU SHOULDN'T KNOW Explained in 14 minutes

abc explainer

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@SSMLivingPictures - 15.12.2024 09:02

Every one written by crackpots and/or drug abusers

@amyrhoscyn - 16.12.2024 03:11

the black books in Skyrim: dragonborn DLC looks EXACTLY the same as the picatrix!

@WhatWouldVillainsDo - 16.12.2024 08:12

I went on a spiritual journey and yeah im pretty sure i summoned something..not purposely but i had seen "angel's" and "demons". I swear i was tracked/monitored and still am and told not to talk about certain things. They ripped something out of me, it was like i was split in half and almost died. Ive been into some pretty weird esoteric stuff and discovered a relgion about "fighters" that almoat every single one of us practice subconsciously.

@hudzaifi - 18.12.2024 17:46

Why does this looks like indonesian political party 😂

@ggates5371 - 21.12.2024 06:07

You wanna know what’s really creepy? Look into the Talmud, the Zohar, along with what Kabbalah is. That’s what really creepy.

@WolfFiddlerguy6285 - 21.12.2024 15:01

Bro I really want to read the book of Enoch

@andrehooker3229 - 28.12.2024 22:20

Ahhh the grand grimoire. Yuna will love to get his hands on it 😂

@marques_asecas5894 - 29.12.2024 02:50

My Catholic take is this.
Occult and magic books should be used to seek knowledge and comprehension, maybe even entertainment.
Now, wether you believe in the supernatural or the otherworldly or not, you never get to invite the "UNKNOWN" to your life the same way you don't leave your home's door open at night. There is no guide to be safe against it. And the more sure an author is about safety methods, the more cautious you should be.
Like Christopher Lee said, you will loose your soul, and that doesn't necesseraly mean that something hoollywoodesk may happen to you.
It's called the occult for something I guess. Maybe the efectiveness of such rituals depends on the degree of will of each practitioner. Maybe the high degree of scepticism made dangerous artifacts wander our world unnoticed, as their meant to be unharming objects like books, trinkets and so on. But we all know the best weapons are the ones unseen and unpredictable.
By the way. The Necronomicon is meant to be a pure fictional book. Yet everything fictional in the end is based in reality. Fictional does not mean unreal. And nigromantic grimmoires do exist. We should consider the existence of the most malevolent and terrific black magic book, and call it the necronomicon. Yet something so evil may not be available to the public, and be available to the colective consciousness through the realm of imagination.

@lw1343 - 29.12.2024 07:29

Book of Enoch should not be included. An apostle quotes from it.

@malachiwarner5699 - 30.12.2024 09:53

I thought this was gonna be an interesting video then the first book was the necronomicom lol smh.

@joaomarreiros4906 - 01.01.2025 03:15

Why? What is so terrifying about them, half of them are artistic renditions and the majority of them are the narcissistic talks of people with their imaginary friends. Grow up.

@superproducercbiz - 03.01.2025 02:01

and still THE BIBLE reigns supreme ✝️

@firstlast2386 - 04.01.2025 13:30

Most evil book of all time: Talmud

@tavopatton - 04.01.2025 16:13

U miss one.

@kevinswanson2155 - 05.01.2025 10:11

HP Lovecraft created the concept of the necronomicon, and the character who was the alleged author as a literary device in his 1924 book called The Hound. The books of Moses never existed because that individual is a fictional character who never existed in actual reality.

Is this the actual best thing that you have found to do with your life? You realize there’s going to be dozens if not, hundreds of other morons just like yourself who are actually going to believe the crap coming out of your mouth.

Do the world a favor and go take a long walk on a short pier.

@h4rdzenchannel290 - 06.01.2025 14:24

If you wanna try those rituals, just ask sam and dean, they can help.

@nodicewhatadrag298 - 09.01.2025 21:55

Codex gigas?

@breadmanwalking - 10.01.2025 19:20

Well now i want to buy some books...

@caiuspopescu990 - 12.01.2025 17:53

I shouldn't know about these books? Then why have you explained to me about it? 😮

@kryptonson - 12.01.2025 21:55

The Necronomicon is completely fictional, it was created by H.P. Lovecraft.

@nunyabusiness2280 - 12.01.2025 23:10

The sixth and seventh Books of Moses are not considered true, Talmudic scholars generally deny any references to those books in Talmudic literature, so id take those with a grain of salt

@bananuuu1879 - 13.01.2025 06:16

narrator giving yapdolla

@jasperbooth6383 - 14.01.2025 18:17

Buncha experts in the chats

@QuidProQuo911 - 15.01.2025 14:12

And the use of all of the books combined will summon…..


@jamescharles1588 - 16.01.2025 06:47

1 thing all these books (except the book of Enoch) have in common- they all are a 1 way ticket to hell.

@ChaoticPhoenix82 - 18.01.2025 04:46

Why isnt the satanic bible on the list?

@UpcomingJedi - 18.01.2025 12:59

Why did you leave out the Christian Bible?

@jahsehjoestar - 19.01.2025 00:03

did u learn to read the same way adin ross learned to read?

@Sn00chieb00chies - 19.01.2025 02:25


@purplegrimmy1991 - 20.01.2025 09:08

Thanks, now I know and thank you.

@julielawing777 - 23.01.2025 19:45

Seek The LORD and live.

May The Lord bless you all today and everything that you put your hands too. May it all be for His Honor and His Glory.
In Christ Jesus Name Amen.
The Lord Jesus Christ has delivered me from drug addiction, homelessness, abusive relationships, evil spirits, sexual immorality, swearing, lying, stealing, laziness.. and even more. I give all the glory to Him. All praise and worship belong to God.
He is real.
He is bigger than any problem you face. He will meet you where you are at. Even right now.
(Romans 10:13) For whosoever shall call upon The Name of The Lord shall be saved.

He's giving us beautiful gifts of prayers, Faith, healing, deliverance, salvation. He gave us these to glorify Him and use for others.

Friends everything you have or see material is all going to pass away the only thing you truly have is how you treat another human being.
Serve The LORD
Pray for The Holy Spirit to fill every part of your life.

Keep strong in The Lord.

Jesus Christ is LORD to the glory of God The Father.

I bless every reader of this comment in The Name of Jesus Christ.

@KAMDIY144 - 24.01.2025 08:59

fiction is fun 2.

@roguedoge2479 - 24.01.2025 21:04

So, the books of Moses have nothing to do with Moses, God, or Christianity

@WillOstrich - 25.01.2025 17:31

I got a gripe with you... why shouldn't anyone read the book of Enoch? You didn't put The Talmud on this list. Why didn't you? You need to stop spreading mis information

@kellymontgomery1293 - 26.01.2025 02:59

Excellent narration! you left out the Shams al Ma-arif? That is supposed to be the big dog

@DanTheMilkMan211 - 26.01.2025 09:55

Book of shadows and grimoires are just part of a religion might as well put the Bible here too

@NathanielEllis-w4k - 27.01.2025 18:25

Magic is making deals with entities. If you do this with the underworld you get burned up, because Satan/Loki/Agni only wishes to devour he only tricks people into sinning and sowing bad Karma so he can get there souls into hell where he tortures them until all hell is released and he forms a huge army out of them only to destroy it himself when Holy Spirit/Shiva says its time to destroy all heaven and earth and wields Agni like a weapon. So this is unwise. The only one who can save us from our sins/Bad Karma is Jesus the Christ who is number 2 of the trinity at the top who incarnated as a man to die in our place for the sins of the world. He wants to make a deal with us too, with him we are saved from all our sin/Bad Karma and we gain everlasting life. our souls go to paradise instead of hell than they get raptured at the 7th trumpet and we inherit this earth for 1000 years of peace, than at the destruction of the earth we are inside the mothership city called new Jerusalem 1300 to 1600 miles in diamiter and we zip out of hear at the destruction of the world and inherit the new heaven and earth God creates from this ones quarks. Jesus saves everyone from every tribe tongue and nation who chooses to believe in Him, he wants to save you no matter what you have done and Joining the Kingdom of Heaven cancels out all other deals with all other entities. It cancels out selling your soul to satan and it cancels out taking the oath of the antichrist the muslim badge of servitude witch is the same as 600,60,6 in greek proving the book of Revelation is true prophecy as John saw a vision of the future and drew a picture of the muslim badge of servitude 500 years before Mohamed was born. Jesus Loves Everyone and wants to Save everyone and our Father in Heaven does not delight in the destruction of the wicked but delights in faith in Jesus and Repentance of all sin so lets all give Jesus what He Paid for, Our souls ransomed from the underworld and added to the Kingdom of Heaven. It is never too late this life is a wonderful opportunity for all to become immortal. you can follow these 3 steps any time you need to even every day to stick to the Narrow Path that ends in life no matter how far you have strayed from it. Step .1 Say "JESUS IS LORD" and believe that He is number 2 of the trinity at the top. the Only Begotten Son of God. No one has more favor with the Father than the Only Begotten Son and by believing in Him we now have Favor with the Father. You are actually saved from hell the moment you choose to do this, God wants everyone saved so its that EZ. Everything we think say and do is recorded so God knows when we say JESUS IS LORD and believe that He is. (Romans 9:10 if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;) Now we all ways have unlimited grace to all ways repent of all sin and we are all ways forgiven. We do this by repenting of all sin in private prayer to God, its just as ez as tuning your heart up to Mathew 5-7. (1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous, so that He will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.) It is a great practice to read Matthew 7-5 the sermon on the mount and repent of all the ways our hearts and minds do not line up with His perfect commands. If we take all the commandments out of Matthew 5-7 and put them in a quick repentance list we get something like this. and this is Step .2, this is how we wash our robes white in the blood of the Lamb so they will be white at the 7th trumpet and the moment our souls leave our bodies witch ever comes first. Repenting of all sin to follow Matthew 5-7 washes bad Karma from our souls as ez as water washes dirt from out body because we say Jesus is Lord and He paid for the sins of the world once and for all with His own blood. Now the underworld cannot collect, they have all ready been paid. We repent of Lust and Adultry, we keep sex sacred by keeping it withing the covenant of marrage and that in private. So Marrage or celebecy works but fornication does not. We repent of Hatred and Murder. we are joining the Higher society of the Kingdom of Heaven. not only is murder ellegal but so is Hatred. Good will and Loving Kindness is actually the most important thing as all good Karma is sown in Good will and Loving Kindness. Everything is still sorted out according to Karma, and Jesus empowers us to be in a Karma Surplus now by Washing all our bad Karma away. In everything do unto others as you would have them do unto you. We only do good to others. Love the Lord with all your hear. Love Self and Everyone Else. This is Good will and loving Kindness to all again. Forgive everyone from your heart including self. Love does not take into account a wrong suffered. Give everyone unlimited grace now you have unlimited grace with God. Be humble. God is apposed to the proud but gives grace to the humble. Try to think of everyone as more important than self especially children because children are innocent and that makes them naturally Karma rich because keeping these commands comes more natural to them. So much so that when Jesus was speaking to crowds He said " Even if you give a child a cup of water you shall not loose your reward," " the one who causes a child to stumble it would be better for him if a milstone was tied around his neck and he was thrown into the center of the ocean." So we are sure to be extra Kind and good to children from now on. There now that you tune your heart up to these precepts your Karma is as clean as a childs, and that is what Jesus meant when He said, " Unless you become like a child you cannot perceive the Kingdom of Heaven." Now that your Karma is clean you are a temple of Holy Spirit the 3rd member of the Trinity who will now guide you in all right eausness. It feels way better to be a temple of Holy Spirit than of evil spirits because whatever spirit is living inside you effects your mind and emotions. Now you can Grow in Righteousness/Enlightenment and be transformed by the renewing of your mind as Holy Spirit imparts wisdom to you in private prayer. A great way to practice this is the Meta meditation the Buddha/One of the 7 directly below the trinity at the top, taught. You close your eyes blocking off destractions of this material plane, perhaps you put your palms together and you speak. " Good will and loving Kindness in front of me" and you imagine Good will and loving Kindness shining out from you like a light. Do this is all 4 directions, than below you and above you. and that is Metta Meditation. When you feel JOY/Bliss this is a fruit of Holy Spirit, some monks devote there lives to this meditation and stay Joy full all the time. This is what it means to be in a Karmic Surplus. You can also pray the lords prayer or anything you like and develop a relationship with the Lord. It is what He imparts to you in private prayer that transforms us the most. and so you are saved once you say Jesus is Lord and now you can be transformed from Glory to Glory for all eternity. Jesus loves you Blessings. Oh and all things work together for the good for those who Love God and are called according to His Purpose. This is why Good will and loving Kindness to your Father in Heaven is the first commandment. And you are definetally called according to His purpose because you have joined the Kingdom of Heaven once you said "JESUS IS LORD." and so this is the only deal you can make with any entity that ends up working out for your good in the long run. and so this is the most powerful kind of magic there is. Blessings. : ) Jesus Loves You. Jesus is Lord.

@alexpacheco2031 - 28.01.2025 21:37

Read a book 📖

@arisen456 - 30.01.2025 18:46

Solid book recommendation list

@homxcide_homxcide - 31.01.2025 09:59

do it on the shams al maarif

@neuclear7710 - 01.02.2025 22:09

Even the comment is 666 bruh...🤣
Well, just broke it 😜

@Brookins360 - 12.02.2025 08:16

Starting off the necronomicon? You might as well add the enchiridion from adventure time in this too

@EimaiEmpusa69 - 14.02.2025 21:46

Really horrible video... You obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

@Cybernihlis - 17.02.2025 06:41

not including the Book of Thoth is criminal

@NickS-m3h - 18.02.2025 08:36

Shocked that the Talmud isn't on here lol

@SageOsav-SAGE - 26.02.2025 10:35

Does anyone onow more about the book of abremlin and the ritual it sounds like something i would want to do please seriously anybody into occult knowledge and all of that please help me out

@morbidmechanics - 02.03.2025 15:43

Anyone who say the necronomicon is pure fiction made by lovecraft clear havent done much research

@Nikwunu - 02.03.2025 19:41

people will see this and think "hmm i wonder why these books aren't included in the bible" even though they're dated to be written way after the figures mentioned would have lived. that means they were written by people who had nothing to do with them and were just using their names as part of a backstory to give their works a veneer of legitimacy. so while it's okay to read these books for entertainment purposes, it's not valid to draw out doctrine out of them.

@klausolekristiansen2960 - 05.03.2025 15:26

Abdul el-Hazred is an impossible name. Abdul is a contraction of Abed el, meaning "servant of the", and must be followed by one of the names of God. E.g. Abdul Nasir, servant of the Victorious One, or Abdul Aziz, servant of the Omnipotent One. Abdul el-haxred would mean "servant of the the" plus whatever, if anything, Hazred means. It is just not a name.
