Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) UNCUT - Darkness the Curse

Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) UNCUT - Darkness the Curse

Darkness the Curse

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@PiscesPrincess327 - 19.01.2019 22:28

Ahhh brings back memories huh? 😃

@wild6886 - 19.01.2019 22:31

Oh man. This brings me back quite a bit, since your Sonic 06 video was how I found your channel.

Still really enjoyable to watch.

@fabiodude88 - 19.01.2019 22:32

Easily the best, most in depth review you've ever made. I find myself watching it from time to time.
I know you don't review anymore, but I'd love to see you do this for something like Shadow the Hedgehog or Forces.

@BrokenAce1295 - 19.01.2019 22:34

This is so nostalgic. I remember watching your review of 06 so many times back in 2013. Time flies.

@RanniTheMarketablePlush - 19.01.2019 22:38

Aw shit here we go again

@bi0hazard921 - 19.01.2019 22:43

Your a combination of Clement, someonecallmeJohnny, AVGN, and some other guy I can’t remember. I love it!

@Z-A-C - 19.01.2019 22:46

Does this mean reviews are back?

@thunderhound294 - 19.01.2019 22:46

IT'S NO USE!!!!!!

@xamhehehe7888 - 19.01.2019 22:52

It feels like yesterday when this was released.

@Sonic171K - 19.01.2019 22:58


@KnoxCarbon - 19.01.2019 23:12

"It feels like I'm playing a beta."
Well, you are. The final build of the game, the one they used in the demo, was nowhere near finished. So, the devs scraped together whatever functioning beta code they had, made sure it wouldn't crash, and shipped the game as it was.

@actually_ashley. - 19.01.2019 23:29

sonic r please, i loved that review

@jeremyknight9980 - 20.01.2019 00:00

I remember watching these videos 5 years ago. I even remember your really old review of 06 I saw back in 2010. These days people have kind of lightened up about this game after Rise of Lyric and Forces, fans have even made remakes of 06.

@Thataaronmurphydude29 - 20.01.2019 02:30

Excellent movie lol.

@brandonconrad3735 - 20.01.2019 02:43

Only 317 views... ;-;

@verdethestarwarrior1088 - 20.01.2019 06:45

Ahhh, now this is what I call a blast from the past

@DragonClaw95. - 20.01.2019 09:09

I can't believe this was 5 1/2 years ago. The time went by way too fast. I lost count of how many times I watched this review.

@SBox180 - 20.01.2019 18:44

Long time no see, Darkness! Good to see you still kicking. Probably a long shot to ask about new reviews, but while you’re reuploading old ones, could you possibly bring back the Sonic R review? Really liked that one.

@temporal4652 - 20.01.2019 19:52


@TotallyAwesomeWrestlingTAW - 20.01.2019 23:06

This and Clements review of 06 are my favorite game reviews ever

@Roktan - 21.01.2019 10:07

I wanna point out that according to what I could find out about the production of this game, that you were pretty much dead on right that Sega themselves rushed this game. Also they split the development team in two, one two work on '06, and the other to work on Sonic and the Secret Rings. So pushing half of a team to release a game with as much ambition as they were pushing for and less than a year to develop it (announced in May '05, released in December of '06) was ultimately, what led to this disaster.

@HelenFire420 - 06.04.2019 07:33

In an interview with Takashi Iizuka, he stated they wanted to have a more open world structure like Jak and Daxter, or Super Mario Odyssey. They soon realized that they could only get about 3 frames per second. So they re worked the game to be more of a Sonic Adventure structure. However the team working on sonic 06 was split to develop sonic and the secret rings. Sega also told the team that they had to have something available to print to disk by holiday 2006, on both 360 and ps3. While the ps3 version released later, due to hell porting the engine. Sonic and the secret rings managed to stay solid due to it reusing the SA2 engine and having relatively small laniard stages.

@phoenixdown5181 - 12.05.2019 05:52

I still come back to this review every now and then; it's so satisfying.

AVGN has his ROB review, Spoony has his Ultima review, etc. This is your Ultima review, bud. Your magnum opus. And it's glorious.

@dustytransitor866 - 27.02.2020 01:18

One of the FIRST reviews I remember watching on this site

@goldwaterproductions - 09.03.2020 01:01

seems like shadow the hedgehog is your least favorite sonic game since you’ve only reviewed that game once but this one 4 times 😂

@wksbedsidnebd3694 - 12.11.2020 00:21

I actually liked his world & all hail shadow :(

@HoodedChaosProductions - 27.01.2021 00:53

This will probably always be my favorite review of your's. Still, You forgot to mention how Sonic can't kill anything when simply spin jumping as he did in all other games.

@YungMonn - 31.01.2021 09:03

“That alone is insufficient” 😂😂

@stephenaremu78 - 19.03.2021 18:03

tails sound like juri from street fighter 4

@stephenaremu78 - 19.03.2021 18:04

darkness have you heard of juri I think you will love this character

@perimetercasual5086 - 21.09.2021 13:23

Man I'm old..

@UnCreativeDeconstructionism - 14.01.2022 17:22

Reminds me of clement j64's video.

@BarkalarGames - 21.02.2022 20:34

Just a little personal complaint here, but am I the only one that hates the idea of Dr. Robotnik referring to himself as Eggman? They basically took what was established as an insult from the main protagonist and made it his official name which makes him less menacing.

@jeffshephard - 29.03.2022 16:48

This is my favourite game review ever. So funny.

@Shadethewolfy - 06.05.2022 12:35

It was several small things that lead to Sonic 06's downfall, really. Yuji Naka left and took a majority of the people working on the game with him, the team was initially cut down to work on Secret Rings at the same time as 06, Sega wanted the game released for the 15th Anniversary...

@robertlupa8273 - 27.01.2023 10:52

Mephiles: (frickin' kills Sonic)
Iblis: "I dont get it why didnt you do this from the beginning?"
Mephiles: "We have to fill in two hours."

@gameshock2916 - 06.05.2024 08:26

1) Sonic The Hedgehog (2006) is a really bad Sonic game that's canon. I hate it to death, but I have to praise it as well. The reason is because Sonic The Hedgehog (2006) made me a Sonic fan. If it wasn't for this game, I wouldn't have gone back to play the SEGA Genesis trilogy of Sonic games from Sonic 1 to Sonic 3 & Knuckles. I wouldn't have played Sonic Adventure 1, Sonic Adventure 2, or Sonic Heroes. I wouldn't have played Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Generations or Sonic Lost World. I'm a Sonic fan because of Sonic The Hedgehog (2006) and I don't care if it offends you, even if I, myself, also hate this game. It's at least better than Sonic Boom (Wii U). That's just awful.
2) 🎵 Cri-sis Ci-tea, with Raiden the Hedgehog. He has telekinesis and is really slow, Raiden the Hedgehog. Raiden is a whi-nee bitch. He is all coa-ted in silver paint, he has a sexual cat, and he has a mis-erable tiiiiime. 🎵

@SpandexSpandexEverythingSpande - 14.08.2024 03:29

Is no one gonna mention how you have to choose between amy and elise just so you can go and save elise?

@PhilBrocklehurst - 25.12.2024 11:44

Quite possibly the best review of Sonic 06 ever.
