If the game had a darker tone, it would actually work really well. I mean, personally, I think if the characters were just toned down a little, it could already work really well.
Instead of the jolly jabbing jackass Jacob is, imagine if he was just as affected by the oppression and atmosphere, but tries to lighten up the mood with small jokes. Forcing out a smile once in a while to offer comfort to those around him. He's not a comedian. He's just trying to make the best of a horrible time. And what gives him the willpower to face the highest of London is his dear sister, which is why he wants to free London of it's oppression, to make it a better place for his sister, the citizens, and him. That's quite a lot of characterization. Or at least more than what he has now.
Evie is now more straight laced, and she takes everything seriously. No nonsense, no spectacle, no play. All work. But she has one weakness, a soft spot for her dear brother, who tries his best to cheer everyone up despite the bleak reality. Evie doesn't take shit from anyone, and sometimes her anger and arrogance wins her over and she becomes impulsive, which causes her brother to step in to calm her down. This flips their dynamic, which causes Evie to be the most likely to be openly violent, while Jacob is most likely to avoid confrontations.
This makes the twins rely on each other, which justifies their reason to stay together, other than just being family. Evie motivates Jacob to be better for his sister and everyone around them, while Jacob is what calms Evie and keeps her thinking straight and avoid falling into a trap.
Just the thought of Jacob being this somewhat sullen man, trying his best to keep his light-hearted attitude makes me feel sad. That he has to actively work towards keeping his spirit for those around him. Doesn't that make you feel for him? And Evie, even if she makes mistakes and screws evrrything up due to her anger and arrogance, just imagine when Jacob finds her again and hugs her tightly, quietly reassuring her while she sobs, finding herself in another mistake that she herself caused.
That's dark. That's depressing.
But that would fit perfectly into the time era.
I still love this game so much. In my first playthrough i played this game a lot. The open world is so gorgeous with vivid colors. And i really liked Jacob
ОтветитьSyndicate is better as a spinnoff title like a dlc rather than it's own standalone installment
ОтветитьTLOU2 came out years after Unity and Syndicate
ОтветитьI was young when this game came out and didn't pay attention to game launches. I genuinely thought that syndicate came before unity, due to the general downgrade in graphics and movement
Ответитьthis is truly the gta of ass creed
ОтветитьBeen playing Syndicate and I really enjoy it tbh, but the way they decided to go off to London and this one line where Evie gives Graham Bell the idea to call his creation a “telephone” made me cringe hard lol otherwise it’s pretty fun.
Ответить45 secs in and this man is already after my heart 😂😂 I appreciate the time you spend on these brother
ОтветитьI have started this game four times and gotten incredibly bored with trying to chase down that stupid fucking train.I hated the setting because I had to run everywhere! Turns out there's a batman grapnel??? ...I still don't want to play this game at all.
ОтветитьUsually your videos make me want to play the game. This one, though, makes me want to play Black Flag. Every AC release has made me want to play Black Flag.
ОтветитьIt is shocking just how ugly this game is graphically. Like I don't normally say stuff like that, and I firmly believe lower graphical technology games can easily look better than games built for and on more advanced hardware, but I really didn't expect syndicate to look this ugly when it's so much newer than better looking older games in the franchise.
ОтветитьI really hope he covers The Last of Us Part II one day...
ОтветитьI stumbled onto this channel and I love your video essays. Do you wish to share your thoughts on Origins or is that one you have no interest in? (Just curious as I'd love to hear you typical style of video essay tackle the last Assassin's creed that had the smallest semblance of any kind of assassination in it and the first to delve into full RPG mechanics)
ОтветитьI probably spent the most time playing syndicate because it was free for xbox live gold users and I was like 12. I also broke the game by brute forcing the combat and just levelling up a lot and completing the hard areas before the rest
ОтветитьNo no, you can't take it back. You are now Shammy!
ОтветитьI just finished your Mirage video and came back to this even tho iv seen this video before. You are insane dude, your videos are amazing and keep getting better. In this one u joke more wich i personally like alot, but most of your videos i watch doing nothing else because im really invested. You make me wanna replay a game and replay it with a mindset that makes me enjoy them more for what they are instead of what i want them to be. thanks dude!
ОтветитьDo a gta 5 critique
ОтветитьIt is funny how hated Unity was on release, and now opinions have completely shifted
ОтветитьI liked / like Syndicate. Yes, it's not anywhere near Unity but for what it is to me - a silly, vaguely unity-like Assassins Creed game that isn't one of the modern RPG games, all set in the place where I'm from - it works. I agree with all the critiques you gave but after sitting through the slop of Odyssey then coming back to it, it looks a whole lot better
ОтветитьI played black flag but never beat it skipped unity, syndicate, oddessey. Picked up vahalla. Was disgusted went back to syndicate and loved it. Went to unity after and its the one i always go back to
ОтветитьI love that grapling gun. I dont care about what anyone says, that was fire.
ОтветитьThis game is too underrated, and one of the best games in the franchise!
Ответить“progression regression into depression”
ОтветитьI almost skipped this game because of videos like this and I’m so glad that my completionist tendencies forces me to play it. I absolutely loved this game and thought it was better than many that came before it!
ОтветитьI’ve just finished every achievement on AC Syndicate and the DLC. I was never once engaged in the story but I still managed to have great fun playing the game.
Ответитьhe says while comparing to arkham "you can't use environmental objects," as he just used it in gameplay clip moments before lol.
ОтветитьWelcome to the best Saints Row game that just so happens to be wearing Assassin's Creed colors.
ОтветитьThat Lucy Thorne fight atop St. Pauls made no sense whatsoever. How did Thorne find Evie? In the early stages Evie steals the notebook. Thus she has the only clue to locate the necklace. Yet her enemy appears without any logical (or illogical explanation) as to how she found out where to go.
...and also, how does a woman wearing such cumbersome clothing make it to the top of St. Pauls anyhow?
None of it made any sense and to then lose the necklace so easily was just a complete let-down.
Still, I have replayed this several times, if only for the environment. I was born in that town. Truth be told, I also really enjoy the fight clubs and they are the easiest place to score the multiple kill (2/3/4) perks. I DO mostly play as Evie and only play Jacob when there is no choice.
ummm Westminster NOT "Westminister".
Ответить"there are more Jacob missions than Evie missions because his are unimportant side plots" no love.... It's because of misogyny <3 the developers wanted to put in more of Evie but higher ups blocked them for doing that
ОтветитьWell, I have 35 hours in Unity and 750 hours in Syndicate. That's the difference.
ОтветитьEvie goes to London to chase down the piece of Eden the scientist she assassinated in the intro mentions, not "for the lols" 😅
Ответитьthis is the only Assassin's Creed game in the entire series that I didn't like
Ответитьi really wanted to like this game:/ i love Jacob, and the setting is cool. but man combat is whack
ОтветитьWWI espionage Assassin's Creed could have been such a dope noir-style game with the flair of Isu-bullshit considering the later obsession a certain Austrian had with certain things, though I'm sure he'd call them Thule. The opportunity of set pieces and "every frame a painting" would be innumerable, the story would have had plenty of amazing things to work with, the endearing history they could have hit on like the Christmas Truce, plenty of historical figures to associate with like Charlie Chaplain, Nikola Tesla. Hell, could have even went overboard with it considering it started over a certain ASSASSINATION of an archduke and it be the MC who was the teen that pulled the trigger, or have the Black Hand be a rogue sect of the creed, have them be inspired by the Assassin's history -- anything. The visuals of the rift in Syndicate shows how the visuals would be stellar. Dammit Ubi.
Ответитьi like AC Syndicate. Good game.
Ответитьthe whole game should've been like Jack the ripper
the tone,the characters, London all of it is just amazing
Not having played Syndicate, learning that there was a fully actualized WW1 narrative ... makes me even more bewildered - and frustrated, as they shifted the entire game mechanics, narrative and approach in following games.
A World War 1 Assassins Creed is a monster concept - it's a shame it was thrown away in a regressed AC.
When did Assassin Creed have more than one button for combos before or after Syndicate?
Why did you expect this one to be different?
See i liked ac syndicate for its stealth and that was about it. tho i must say evie was clearly meant to be the main protagonist of this game and i think that if they were allowed to make a story just arround evie the game would have been SO much better.
ОтветитьYou know what's funny there are two long running live service games that are still alive today Minecraft and Warframe one for over 16 years one for 13 years and that's because people still love the game the games didn't come out to the best place but it kept going and finally it was huge Warframe does have micro transactions but because it's not pay to play it might be slightly paid a win but you still got to make everything good but both of them are running and running for so long that people just have forgotten about them
ОтветитьIn defense of this game, i like how the Frye twins are free of any angst or revenge. They were fun, especialy Jacob. Dude’s a proper british prick and I love it!
ОтветитьNot surprised they gave a middle finger to the English, it was made by the French
ОтветитьI liberated the children from Starrick so I could make them work for me